自我性刺激 |
在世界不同的地方和在不同的历史时期,对待自我性刺激的态度就已经存在差别。在一些时期,自我性刺激被推荐为一种健康措施,在另外的时期,却被责难为对健康的严重威胁。一些宗教称它严重违背习俗,而另一些宗教根本不予理睬。即使当我们只考虑西方的历史,随着时间的流逝,我们发现各种评价差异相当大,并且普遍流行的道德上有罪的评价发生了翻天覆地的改变,甚或完全颠倒了过来。 |
Basic Types of Sexual Behavior |
1. Sexual Self-stimulation
The attitudes toward sexual self-stimulation have been very different in different parts of the world and in different historical periods. At certain times it was recommended as a health measure, at other times condemned as a serious threat to health. Some religious authorities called it a grave sin, others paid no attention to it at all. Even when we consider only the history of Western civilization, we find that, over time, opinions varied widely, and that general moral convictions changed dramatically or even completely reversed themselves.