
1. 自我性刺激:简史


防止勃起的“贞操带”(第二种贞操带可以解小便)3+4  防止阴茎勃起的带尖刺的阴茎环。

在整个19世纪,越来越多的医生把手淫诊断为严重的精神疾病的病因。正如1867亨利·莫兹雷(Henry Maudsley所解说的那样,他作为英国当时最权威的精神病学家,说什么手淫型精神错乱masturbatory insanity以情感和相应的思考紊乱极度倒错为病症,在发病的早期和稍后,它则以失聪、夜间幻觉、自杀与杀人倾向为其病症。换一句话说,手淫者是疯狂的潜在杀手,而且似乎唯有小心翼翼地把他们关在精神病院才能避免悲剧。

更为严重的是,手淫型精神错乱在发病的晚期被认为难以治愈。所有医学科学所能够做的就是集中精力预防和早期发现这种疾病。所以,医生告知家长要把孩子的双手捆在床边,或者让他们套上有尖锐铁刺的连指手套。特殊的绷带和贞操带(chastity belt用来捆住和遮住性器官。有机械巧计的医生发明了保护人们不会亵渎自我的灵巧装置。最后,如果任何手段都不奏效,有人就推荐使用外科手术。最为流行的外科手术是阴茎扣锁infibulation for males,即经由阴茎包皮安放金属扣环,从而防止勃起。)和阴蒂切除clitoridectomy for females,即切除阴蒂)。然而,性器官腐蚀法和支配神经阻断法以及阉割法有时竟然也被认为是必须的治疗措施。


Anti-masturbation devices
+ 2 “Chastity belts” preventing erections (the second allows for urination)
3 + 4 Spiked penis rings preventing erections

Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior

1. Sexual Self-stimulation: History

“Masturbatory Insanity”

In the course of the 19th century, more and more doctors linked masturbation to severe mental illness. As explained in 1867 by Henry Maudsley, the greatest British psychiatrist of his time, masturbatory insanity was "characterized by ... extreme perversion of feeling and corresponding derangement of thought, in earlier stages, and later by failure of intelligence, nocturnal hallucinations, and suicidal and homicidal propensities." In other words, masturbators were mad potential killers, and it seemed only prudent to have them locked up in an asylum.
To make matters worse, in its later stages the disease was considered incurable. All medical science could really do was to concentrate on the prevention and early detection of the disease. Parents were therefore advised to tie the hands of their children to the sides of the bed, or to make them wear mittens spiked with iron thorns. Special bandages and "
chastity belts" were to render the sex organs inaccessible. Doctors with a knack for mechanics invented ingenious contraptions that would "protect" people from "abusing themselves". Finally, if everything else failed, surgery was recommended. The most popular surgical treatments were infibulation for males (i.e., putting a metal ring through the foreskin, thus preventing an erection) and clitoridectomy for females (i.e., cutting out the clitoris). However, cauterization and denervation of the sex organs and even castration were sometimes also deemed necessary.
Needless to say, all of these mechanical devices and surgical procedures constantly focused attention on the sex organs and their functions. Thus, it became nearly impossible for the "patients" to forget their "problem" even for a moment. Small wonder, then, that for many the concern with masturbation turned into a complete obsession.



[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]