Variations in Sexual Behavior




所以,几乎并不令人惊讶的是,人类的性行为是缤纷繁杂的,而且不同的个体可能发展出非常不同的性兴趣。甚至,在同样的情形之下,这些性兴趣是如此的特别和非同寻常,以至于它们会变得使人感到困惑。当然,每一个社会都会容忍一定数量的性变异(sexual variation[1]和接纳这种宽泛的行为象谱的一些谱带,把这些谱带作为正常的性现象。但是,并不存在得到普遍接纳的性常态的定义。依据社会文化环境不同,在性行为方面不同的性变异可能被认为是流行的、或不可理喻的、可恶的和卑劣的。有的性变异甚至可能受到法律的惩罚。再一次重申,时空的改变可能使性变异大相径庭。




[1] 变异:按照生物的特性,生命个体的结构出现异于常态的现象就叫“变异”,但是其生命体征正常。这里使用英文词variation恰恰意欲:性的其它表现形态尽管有别于常态,但并不就是变态。——译者注。

Variations in Sexual Behavior

As we have seen, human sexual behavior develops in several stages in various possible directions. It is based on an inborn biological potential and shaped by cultural influences that differ from one time and place to another.
One has to keep in mind, of course, that even the inborn qualities are never exactly the same in any two individuals and that there are also differences within one and the same culture: Rural and urban areas differ in their sexual values and opportunities, the rich differ from the poor, the old from the young, the well-educated from the uneducated, the pious from the non-believers, and even families of the same social background differ from each other. Moreover, many countries today contain various ethnic groups or have immigrant populations with their own traditions, and thus the picture becomes even more complex. In any case,
as they grow up, people are offered a great many sexual scripts from which they select those that suit them best. The final selection each person makes is the result of an interactive process that depends on many concrete circumstances, and as these circumstances are different from one person to the next, so is the outcome.
It is therefore hardly surprising that human sexual behavior is quite varied, and that different individuals can develop very different sexual interests. Indeed, in some cases, these interests are so special and unusual that they become problematic. Of course, every society tolerates a certain amount of sexual variation and accepts some segment of the wide behavioral spectrum as “normal”. However, there is no universally accepted definition of sexual normality. Depending on the social environment, different variations in sexual behavior may be considered fashionable and interesting or incomprehensible, outrageous and despicable. They may even be punishable by law. Once again, time and place can make all the difference.
In the present course, it is not possible to describe all or even most of the sheer endless variations in human sexual behavior. Neither can we discuss the many past and present social reactions to these variations. However, we can document a recent trend: In the last few decades, there has been growing demand for universal sexual rights, and, as a result, many countries have become more tolerant of sexual variations.
Following this brief documentation and an introductory historical sketch, we will discuss at least some of the better known examples of untypical sexual behavior.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [History] [Two Examples] [Sexual Minorities: Intro] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]