Early 18th Century


1. 自我性刺激: 简史


1710年,在英格兰出现了一本匿名手册,标题是 《手淫(onania)[1]:在男女两性中自渎的滔天罪恶及其全部可怕后果——那些惯于用这种讨厌的习惯伤害自身者所必须遵守的精神与身体的忠告》。现在人们认为这本手册的作者是那个时候的一位夸夸其谈的牧师,他提供给读者的是借用了那个所谓浪费精液的老教条、经过改头换面老调重弹的劣作。他把《圣经》中的人物俄南的有关行为称作onania在《圣经》记载里,俄南因为拒绝让他兄弟的遗孀怀孕而受到了上帝的惩罚。正如习俗所要求的那样,按照习俗的规定俄南与兄弟的遗孀发生性交行为,却用阴茎抽离的避孕方法防止任何可能的受孕(《创世纪》,第1章,第38节,第3-10)。不幸的是,这位作者荒谬的观念及其引人误解的术语不久就获得了广泛的认可。这本手册迅速被译成数种欧洲语言,最终被人编审达80个版本。


《手淫(onania):在男女两性中自渎的滔天罪恶及其全部可怕后果——那些惯于用这种讨厌的习惯伤害自身者所必须遵守的精神与身体的忠告》封面 ——译者注。


Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior

1. Sexual Self-stimulation: History

Early 18th Century

In 1710, an anonymous pamphlet appeared in England under the title, “Onania, or the Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution and All Its Frightful Consequences in Both Sexes, Considered with Spiritual and Physical Advice To Those Who Have Already Injured Themselves By This Abominable Practice”. The author is now believed to have been a former clergyman turned quack who offered his readers an embellished rehash of older theories about the dangers of "wasting" semen. He called this behavior “onania” in reference to Onan, a biblical character who was punished by God for refusing to impregnate his brother's widow. As required by custom, he engaged in coitus with her, but prevented any possible pregnancy by practicing the withdrawal method of contraception (Genesis, 38:8-10). Unfortunately, the author’s absurd ideas and his misleading term soon found wide acceptance. The pamphlet was quickly translated into several European languages and eventually went through more than eighty editions.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]