Tissot and Rush


1. 自我性刺激: 简史


1760年,一位受人尊敬的瑞士医生,名叫塞缪尔·蒂索(Samuel Tissot他发表了影响甚至更为广泛的书,书名叫《手淫,或论手淫所导致的紊乱的论文》Onanism, or a Treatise Upon the Disorders Produced by Masturbation)。这位作者声称手淫不仅是罪过和犯罪,而且也是造成诸如“痨病(consumption)、视力减退、消化紊乱、阳痿和精神错乱等许多严重疾病的病因。蒂索的成功曾经蔚为壮观。他曾经作为论手淫这个主题的大师被人广泛地引述,并且作为人类的一位大恩人得到了广泛的赞扬。就在数十年里,他的观点成了官方的医学准则。西方世界的全部医生开始从几乎每一种生理问题的源头上去找一找手淫。

到了1812年,本杰明·拉什(Benjamin Rush发表他的著作《精神疾病的医学调查与观察》Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon the Diseases of the Mind时,手淫的有害作用(的观点)被传播到所有的地方,并且手淫所导致的疾病数量大大地增加了。按照拉什的观点,手淫onanism不仅导致精神错乱,而且也导致生殖能力减弱、阳痿、排尿困难dysury、脊髓痨(tabes dorsalis)、痨病pulmonary consumption、消化不良、视力减退、眩晕、癫痫病、疑病症hypochondriasis)、记忆力丧失、manalgia[1]、痴呆和死亡。



 (left) Samuel Tissot (1728-1797) was an influential “enlightened” Swiss physician.
(right) Benjamin Rush (1745-1813), an American physician, was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence of 1776. He later became known as “the father of American psychiatry”.

[1]. Manalgia一个精神病学术语,被本杰明·拉什列为与性的滥用有关,表现为对一切丧失注意力等等。——校者注。

Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior

1. Sexual Self-stimulation: History

Tissot and Rush

In 1760, a respected Swiss physician by the name of Samuel Tissot published an even more influential book entitled, “Onanism, or a Treatise Upon the Disorders Produced by Masturbation”. The author claimed that masturbation was not only a sin and a crime, but that it was also directly responsible for many serious diseases, such as "consumption, deterioration of eyesight, disorders of digestion, impotence, and insanity." Tissot's success was spectacular. He was widely quoted as the greatest authority on the subject of masturbation, and he was universally praised as a benefactor of mankind. Within a few decades, his views became official medical doctrine. Physicians all over the Western world began to find masturbation at the root of almost every physical problem.
By 1812, when
Benjamin Rush published his “Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon the Diseases of the Mind”, the harmful effects of masturbation were taken for granted everywhere, and their number had greatly increased. According to Rush, "onanism" caused not only insanity, but also "seminal weakness, impotence, dysury, tabes dorsalis, pulmonary consumption, dyspepsia, dimness of sight, vertigo, epilepsy, hypochondriasis, loss of memory, manalgia, fatuity, and death."

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]