3. Homosexual Intercourse


3. 同性性交


Old man courting a young man
(Ancient Greek vase painting)



Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior
3. Homosexual Intercourse
Human beings, like all other mammals, may have sexual intercourse not only with partners of the other sex, but also with those of the same sex. In other words, males and females may engage not only in heterosexual, but also in homosexual intercourse.
Same-sexual behavior is quite common in childhood and is not at all unusual in adolescence. Indeed, in the years before or during puberty girls and boys in our culture may have more sexual contact with members of their own than with those of the other sex. During this period, they are often actively discouraged from playing heterosexual games while their homosexual activity attracts little or no attention. It is only later that the situation reverses itself. Once they have reached their teens, females and males are expected to develop exclusively heterosexual interests, and any homosexual exploration is strongly condemned. Nevertheless, many individuals continue to have homosexual contacts well into their old age. For some of them, these contacts represent nothing more than isolated incidents in an otherwise predominantly heterosexual life. For others, they become a frequent, if sporadic, experience, and for still others they are the preferred or even the only form of sexual expression.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]