A Script?




上个世纪70年代早期,在金西研究所(Kinsey Institute)工作的两位美国社会学家约翰•加格农John Gagnon)和威廉•西蒙William Simon提出了一个人类性行为发展的新模式。他们把性行为解释成“脚本行为1973,即按照一个剧本——或者更恰当地说:按照由社会环境和由个体内化相整合的复合的脚本所构建的行为。


尽管从来就没有人清楚地解释过大多数的社会脚本,但是它们存在于整个社会生活圈。不但成文的规则而且不成文的规则都暗示我们该如何在各种各样的社会环境中举手投足——在学校、在上班、在聚会、遇见陌生人、做主人、在电话上讲话、驾驶小汽车、在机场安检,如此这般。简而言之,每一种社会交往都要遵从某一种脚本,因而所有的人类的行为可以被理解成脚本行为(scripted behavior)。性行为概莫例外。的的确确,一旦我们开始把行为看作脚本行为,我们再一次获得了全然的新景观。

                                             约翰加格农(1933- )和威廉•西蒙 (1930-2000)                                           


  John Gagnon (b. 1933) and William Simon (1930-2000)
This course can provide only a brief introduction to their theory. For details, see the original study:
J. Gagnon, W. Simon,"Sexual Conduct: The Social Sources of Human Sexuality", Chicago.1973
© Kinsey Institute

Development of Sexual Behavior


A Script?
In the early 1970s, two American sociologists working at the Kinsey Institute proposed a new model of human sexual development. John Gagnon and William Simon described sexual behavior as “scripted behavior”, i.e. as behavior that follows a script - or rather a combination of scripts - provided by the social environment and internalized by the individual.
A social script can be compared to a movie script that tells actors what to say and what to do in the various scenes they have to play. It defines their roles, tells them how they should dress and move, and how they should interact with the other characters. Taken as a whole, the script also reveals to them and to the audience what the whole drama means.
Social scripts exist in all spheres of life, although most of them are never spelled out. Both written and unwritten rules suggest to us how we should behave in all sorts of situations – in school, on the job, at a party, meeting strangers, playing hosts, talking on the phone, driving a car, checking in at the airport, etc., In short, every social interaction follows some kind of script, and therefore
all human behavior can be understood as scripted behavior. Sexual behavior is no exception. Indeed, once we start looking at it as scripted, we gain an entirely new perspective.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Introduction] [Stages] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]