
Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft

原著:[]欧文黑伯乐(Erwin Haeberle);译者:[中国]彭晓辉;校对者:[]阮芳赋

Original: Erwin Haeberle [Germany];  Translator: Xiaohui Peng [China];  Reviser:  Fang-fu Ruan [USA]

III. 现代性学研究 (1938 - )                                     上一页 返回目录 返回首页

1938 尔弗雷德 C. 金西(Alfred  C. Kinsey),任职于美国印地安那州、布卢明顿、印地安那州立大学的动物学家,开始人类性行为规模最大的社会学研究。





在斯堪的纳维亚(Scandinavia,瑞典、挪威、丹麦、冰岛的泛称——译者注)开展家庭计划的开拓性工作多年以后,瑞典社会与性改革家伊莉斯奥迪森-杰森(Elise Ottesen-Jensen)为创立国际计划生育联盟[International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)]奠定了基础。





1947 阿尔弗雷德 C. 金西在印地安那大学创建性研究所(现在称为金西研究所Kinsey Institute)
日本研究家朝山新一(Shin'ichi Asayama)开始其日本大学生性行为统计学调查。每5年重复一次这样的调查达30年,最终达到总数超过20000个问卷答题者。

在美国,青霉素[1928年由亚历山大弗莱明(Alexander Fleming)发现]大规模被用于治疗性传播疾病。




1948 阿尔弗雷德 C. 金西及其合作者沃德尔 B. 波默罗伊(Wardell B. Pomeroy)和克莱德 E. 马丁(Clyde E. Martin)发表首部重大的研究成果《人类男性性行为(Sexual Behavior in the Human Male)
在孟买,A. P. 皮雷(A. P. Pillay)医生编辑《国际性科学杂志》,该杂志合并旧杂志《婚姻与卫生》,首期于1934年发行。皮雷医生的杂志数年里在印度的性科学领域未有匹敌者。此外,该杂志于1950年发表了恩斯特格拉芬伯格论女性射液的开创性论文。
在伦敦,诞于澳大利亚的妇科医生诺曼海尔(Norman Haire)开始发行《性教育杂志》(The Journal of Sex Education),为普及性的科学教育杂志。海尔是赫希菲尔德以及世界性改革联盟前期学术领军人物的朋友,他也创立了服务于大众普及教育的性教育学会”(Sex Education Society),时任会长。


1949 西蒙娜波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir)发表其具有历史及文化价值的研究专著《第二性(Le deuxième sexe)(《第二性》的中文译本最早为台湾学者按照英文版翻译,如果翻译成《次等的性》则更为准确。1986年,中国大陆湖南文艺出版社根据台湾译本以《第二性——女人》的书名印制了该书的第二卷。1998年,中国书籍出版社出版了由陶铁柱翻译的全译本,书名《第二性》。——译者注),该著作要求终止传统上对妇女的性别歧视。 《第二性》成了重新唤起女权主义运动的人文思想的里程碑 。        


1950 在纽约,已经逃脱在家乡柏林的纳粹迫害的妇科医生恩斯特格拉芬伯格再一次描述女性射液的现象,并唤起人们注意与尿道旁腺(paraurethral glands)有关的性欲唤起区——被人称之为格拉芬伯格点”(简称G-) 

汉斯基斯(Hans Giese)在法兰克福建立德国性研究学会”(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung)





1951 克莱兰 S. 福特(Clellan S. Ford)和弗兰克 A. 毕琪(Frank A. Beach)出版其专著《性行为的模式》(Patterns of Sexual Behavior)。作者就性行为比较了近200个人类部落的风俗。通过含蓄地描写,这本专著进一步摧毁了西方在性行为模式上的道德传统的绝对论。


在洛杉矶,建立了美国第一个同性恋解放组织马特蕊协会”(Mattachine Society)。该协会不久在美国其他地区发展了地方分会。该组织的一些成员开始出版美国第一个同性恋权利杂志《唯一》(ONE)

1953 阿尔弗雷德 C. 金西及其合作者沃德尔 B. 波默罗伊(Wardell B. Pomeroy)、克莱德 E. 马丁(Clyde E. Martin)和保罗 H.  杰布哈德(Paul H. Gebhard)发表专著《人类女性性行为》(Sexual Behavior in the Human Female)。两个《金西报告》基于来自全美超过12000名个人访谈资料(不是调查问卷)所作。访谈所显示的婚前性行为、婚外性行为、女性的性能力、还有同性性行为的数据引发了来自保守宗教和政客的激烈反对。由于外界压力的结果,金西未能获得进一步的研究经费的支持。
亨利本杰明(Harry Benjamin)医生,赫希菲尔德的朋友,于1913年就从柏林移居到了纽约,提出术语“transsexuals-性别改变者(或称性别改换者、易性者)”,第一次与术语transvestites-易装症者相区别。13年以后,他就这个主题发表专著《性别改变者现象(The Transsexual Phenomenon)



1955 美国医学精神病学家约翰莫尼(John Money)提出”(sex)性别”(gender)的区分。这种区分引发了一个崭新的和更为深邃的男女之间差别的讨论。这种区分在性科学也在女性学研究方面越来越受到了重视。


  在旧金山,黛尔•马丁(Del Martin)、菲利斯•莱昂(Phyllis Lyon,有人也把Lyon译作列农——译者注)和其他女性学者建立第一个女同性恋者解放组织“比利蒂斯传承者”(The Daughters of Bilitis)。[1987年法国发行的一部电影,就叫“Bilitis”,反映女性权利、女同性恋和青春少女思春心理 。“比利蒂斯”这个名称取自法国作家皮埃尔·鲁易(Pierre Louys)的作品《比利蒂斯之歌》(The Songs of Bilitis,1894),为鲁易想象性地从古希腊女诗人和社会抗争者莎孚的歌曲联唱曲目翻译而成。——译者注]由于她们抗争的结果,她们发行的杂志《抽丝》(The Ladder)(《中国性科学百科全书 》译为《阶梯》,可是ladder也有“抽丝,尤指长筒袜的抽丝”的含义,因此,创办者使用该词,初衷更可能指的是与女性有关的物品。——译者注。) 在美国成为最富有影响力的传媒。  



 马丁(1921- )和莱昂(1924- )

1957 在纽约,从柏林逃离纳粹迫害的妇科医生汉斯·莱菲尔特(Hans Lehfeldt)与其同事一起建立美国性科学学会”(Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality,简称SSSS)(该学会创办时的名称为“Society for Scientific Study of Sex”,近年把Sex改为Sexuality。因近几十年来,在英语学术界,日益用“Sexuality”一词,取代往昔广义的“Sex”一词,……”——引自阮芳赋;译者注。)
1960 美国社会学家艾瑞斯(Ira Reiss)在其著作《美国的婚前性行为标准(Premarital Sexual Standards in America)中否决生物学上的性趋力(sex drive)的概念,而强调代之以人类的社会承传”(social heredity)的概念。他也预言了美国不久随之而至的性革命




1963 美国的贝蒂弗里登(Betty Friedan)出版她的著作《女性奥秘》(The Feminine Mystique)该书旗帜鲜明地反对社会对传统家庭妇女角色的规定,认为这是欺骗。三年以后,弗里登与人合作建立妇女国民组织”(National Organization for WomenNOW)


1964 在纽约,美国性信息与教育咨询理事会”(Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US SIECUS)由玛丽斯泰肯考尔德(Mary Steichen Calderone)及其同仁所创立。该协会旨在为所有年龄、所有背景的人提供性教育。它支撑着一所研究图书馆和发行双月刊杂志《SIECUS报道(SIECUS Report)





1965 由美国性科学学会”(SSSS)发行的首期《性研究杂志》(Journal of Sex Research)面世。

由金西创立的研究所出版《性犯罪者:性犯罪类型分析》(Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Types)。该专著的作者为保罗 H.  杰布哈德(Paul H. Gebhard)、约翰盖格农(John Gagnon)德尔 B. 波默罗伊(Wardell B. Pomeroy)和科妮莉亚柯瑞森松(Cornelia Christenson)(据金西研究所提供的资料:该专著的素材于1940年初就已经收集完毕,且金西是素材的主要收集者。——译者注)

1966 美国妇科医生威廉 H. 马斯特斯(William H. Masters)及其妻子维吉尼亚约翰逊(Virginia Johnson)发表他们的性活动生理过程研究专著《人类性反应》(Human Sexual Response)。继摩尔(Moll)和赖希(Reich)之后,他们再一次提出性反应的4-相划分模式:1. 兴奋期;2. 平台期;3. 高潮期;4.消退期。




1967 美国性教育者、咨询者和治疗学家协会”(American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists" ,AASECT) 创立。在缺乏美国政府专业职业标准之际,该非盈利专业机构向性健康开业人员颁发职业资格证,以作为在其领域执业资质证明。 随后,在日本、印度和南美洲等国家和地区,AASECT模式成为仿效的范例。
1968 英国学者玛丽麦金托什(Mary McIntosh)调查同性恋角色”(The Homosexual Role),得出结论道:同性恋现象不是某些个人确定无疑的生物或心理状态,这些人只是把自己与其他人区别开来,或者更确切地说,同性恋作为一种标签由他人和/或由他们自己标注在其身上。同性恋是一种由社会建构的角色,某些男女自愿或不自愿地扮演着同性恋角色;而那些现行性行为可能并没有较大差异的其它人并不扮演这种角色。诸如此类的概念最终在素质决定论者”(essentialists,大多数为自然科学家)建构决定论者”(constructionists,大多数是社会科学家)之间引发了激烈的论争;前者仍然笃信某种素质决定了同性恋,后者却不再随和这种信条。
1970 马斯特斯和约翰逊发表性功能障碍研究专著:《人的性功能不足》(Human Sexual Inadequacy)。该书成为新行为疗法的性治疗基础。
1971 美国精神病学家理查德格林(Richard Green)创立国际性研究学会”(International Academy of Sex Research)。该学会开办杂志《性行为档案》(Archives of Sexual Behavior)

罗洛金多伏(Rolf Gindorf) 创建德国社会科学性研究学会”(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaftliche SexualforschungDGSS)

1973 美国性社会学研究家约翰加格农(John Gagnon)和威廉西蒙(William Simon)发表专著《性举止:人类的性的社会基础》(Sexual Conduct: The Social Sources of Human Sexuality)。他们把性行为描述成脚本的(scripted)”行为,也就是说把人的性行为说成是按照某一脚本(script)”所进行的行为、而不是按照各个个体的交互作用所整合成的模式行为,因为由社会公共机构、家人、友人、同龄人等所提供的脚本有的时候是相互矛盾的。这样的脚本提供了在特定情形之下,什么是、什么不是的范型、模式或定义;这样的脚本在特定情形之下提供了如何诠释和如何处理。既然各个个体常常面临着竞赛性的、甚或相互排斥的脚本,那么个人在性这个领域对各种各样的脚本有着抵触是一个常规。带着这些及与之相似的论点,该书作者驳回了曾一度在世界范围盛行的人的性驱力(sex drive)”的概念。






1974 世界卫生组织(WHO)在日内瓦召集性科学家及公共卫生保健专家大会。会议的成果是在翌年出版了一个报告:《人类的性教育与性治疗:卫生保健专业人员的培训(Education and Treatment in Human Sexuality: The Training of Health Professionals)。其中,该报告建议性科学在教育领域和健康保健专业人员的培训中,应该成为一门独立的学科。
在汉斯·莱菲尔特(Hans Lehfeldt)的发起下,首届世界性学大会在巴黎召开。其它各届大会随后相继在蒙特利尔(1976)、罗马(1978)、墨西哥城(1979)、耶路撒冷(1981)、华盛顿特区(1983)、新德里(1985)、海德尔堡(1987)、加拉加斯(1989)、阿姆斯特丹(1991)、里约热内卢(1993)、横滨(1995)、巴伦西亚(1997)、香港(1999)、巴黎(2001)、哈瓦那(2003)和蒙特利尔(2005)召开。





《同性恋杂志》(Journal of Homosexuality)首期发行,由查尔斯西尔沃斯坦(Charles Silverstein)编辑。不到几年,该杂志的编辑职位移手给心理学家约翰 P.瑟科(John P. De Cecco),他把该杂志变成了直到今天也仍然处于领先地位的研究性取向的杂志。(西尔沃斯坦是美国精神病学会疾病分类委员会成员,该委员参与将同性恋从美国《精神病诊断与统计手册》删除的工作——译者注)

在英国,创立性与婚姻治疗家协会”(Association of Sexual and Marital Therapists),后来改成英国性与婚姻治疗协会”(the British Association for Sexual and Marital Therapy BASMT)





1976 在旧金山,高级性学研究院”(The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality简称IASHS)创建,为一个州政府批准和认可的提供性学硕士和博士学位的私人研究生院。(美国所有大学或学院,都是由所在的州政府审批,并无亚洲所称的国立。IASHS建校校长是T. 麦基尔文纳牧师,Ted McIlvenna, 现仍任院长) 麦基尔文纳牧师(Ted McIlvenna, 继任至今。——校者注)。该校的首任学术院长为沃德尔 B. 波默罗伊(Wardell B. Pomeroy),他从前(参见19481953)是阿尔弗雷德 C. 金西最亲密的合作者。





1977 在英国,夏洛特·沃尔夫(Charlotte Wolff1897-1986),一位生于柏林、已经逃离纳粹的治疗学家,出版她的开创性著作《双性恋:一项研究的课题》(Bisexuality: A Study)
1978 世界性学会(WAS)在罗马创建。该学会旨在承担组织后来的一系列世界性学大会的责任。
1981 在洛杉矶、旧金山和纽约,报告了首个新的、致死性、传染性疾病病案。不久,该疾病以艾滋病 ( AIDSHIV 感染)的病名为众所周知。既然这种疾病通过性行为可传染,那么它就既与性行为也与性研究有着千丝万缕的联系。
1986 美国全国性学行业委员会” (American Board of SexologyABS)在华盛顿特区成立。这个职业管理机构给符合其严格执业准入标准的性科学家颁发资格证。
1988 统一后的德国首期《性研究杂志》(Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung)发行。
1989 欧洲性学联会”(European Federation of SexologyEFS)在日内瓦创立。
1990 亚洲性学联会”(Asian Federation for SexologyAFS)在香港亚洲首届性学大会召开之际成立。(当时成立的为筹备委员会;香港大学玛丽医学院精神病医生、性学家吴敏伦教授任会长。——译者注)

美国临床性学家院”(American Academy of Clinical Sexologists)在华盛顿特区成立。它是美国全国性学行业委员会的姊妹组织,为符合资质能力的医生、性治疗师和性咨询师颁发证书。

Charité和德国国会大厦,由德国社会科学性研究学会(DGSS)和来自洪堡大学的同事召集第三届柏林国际性学大会”(International Berlin Conference for Sexology),大会有来自个20个国家的性科学家参加(前两次对等的大会由赫希菲尔德于1921年和由墨尔于1926年分别召集)。该次大会也是DGSS的第10届全国大会,会议颁发了DGSS新近设立的赫希菲尔德勋章,将性科学与性改革奖将颁发给欧内斯特·波曼(Ernest Borneman,奥地利)和赫尔曼·缪沙夫(Herman Musaph,荷兰)








1991 印度医生普诺卡西·高塔里(Prakash Kothari)在新德里组织召开国际第一届性高潮研讨会




1992 德国社会科学性研究学会(DGSS)和来自洪堡大学的同事再一次召集第四届柏林国际性科学大会”(International Berlin Conference for Sexology),该次大会也是DGSS的第11届全国大会,会议颁发了DGSS赫希菲尔德勋章,将性科学与性改革奖将颁发给约翰··瑟科 (John De Cecco,美国)Imre Aszódi (匈牙利)
上海社会学家刘达临及其合作者发表多卷调查研究报告《当代中国性行为:全国2万例男女性调查报告》(该调查报告在中国以《当代中国性文化——全国2万例男女性调查报告》的书名发表——译者注)。该专著(以中文撰写和印刷)被提交到第二届亚洲性学大会”(Second Asian Conference of Sexology)(美国版与1997年出版) 

首届欧洲性学联会大会(European Federation of SexologyEFS)在陶尔米纳(Taormina,意大利西西里岛东部一城镇)召开。





1994 德国社会科学性研究学会(DGSS)和洪堡大学的同事再一次组织召开第四届柏林国际性学大会”(International Berlin Conference for Sexology),以纪念马格纳斯赫希菲尔德性科学研究所(1919年创立)75周年。该次大会也是DGSS的第12届全国大会。

联邦罗伯特·科赫研究所(The federal Robert Koch Institute)在柏林郊区开放其性学档案馆,因此,这标志着柏林这个城市的性学传统、尤其赫希菲尔德研究所的性学研究传统正在恢复活力。该档案馆在固定的时间对公众开放。

第三届亚洲性科学大会(Third Asian Conference of Sexology )在新德里召开。

1995 通过与罗伯特·科赫研究所性学档案馆的合作,刘达临(中国上海)的性文物收藏品在柏林展出,开展主题是中华性文化5千年”("5.000 Years of Sexual Culture in China")

第十二届世界性学大会(XII. World Congress of Sexology)在日本横滨召开。

1996 罗伯特·科赫研究所性学档案馆搬到柏林市中心。

性学与性医学研究所(Institute for Sexology and Sexual Medicine)在柏林的Charité创立。

亚洲性学联会在台北召开第四届亚洲性科学大会(IV. Asian Conference of Sexology)

1997 第十三届世界性科学与人权大会(XIII. World Congress of Sexology and Human Rights)在西班牙的巴伦西亚召开。大会发表性权利宣言。

召开第六届柏林国际性学大会:同性恋解放100周年(International Berlin Conference for Sexology: "100 years of Gay Liberation")5-8月,柏林艺术学院展出同性恋行动100周年”(100 Years of Gay Activism)展品。

1998 亚洲性学联会 (AFS) 在韩国首尔(Seoul)召开第五届性学大会。
1999 世界性学会(The World Association of SexologyWAS)在香港召开第十四届性科学大会( XIV. World Congress of Sexology in Hong Kong)
2000 欧洲性学联会”(European Federation of SexologyEFS)在柏林举行第5届性学大会

2001 性社会科学大会(Social Science Conference on Human Sexuality)在杜勃罗文克(Dubrovnik,克罗地亚西南部城市——译者注)召开。
第十五届世界性学大会(15th World Congress of Sexology)在巴黎召开。
2003 第十六届世界性学大会(16th World Congress of Sexology)在哈瓦那召开。(译者补充)
2005 第十七届世界性学大会(17th World Congress of Sexology)在蒙特利尔举行。(译者补充)

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III. Modern Sex Research (1938 - )

1938 Alfred C. Kinsey, a zoologist at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, USA begins his mostly sociological studies of human sexual behavior.
After many years of pioneering work for family planning in Scandinavia, the Swedisch social and sexual reformer Elise Ottesen-Jensen lays the groundwork for the founding of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
1947 Alfred C. Kinsey founds the "Institute for Sex Research" (today called Kinsey Institute) at Indiana University.
The Japanese researcher Shin'ichi Asayama begins his statistical surveys of the sexual behavior of Japanese students. He repeats such surveys every five years for over 30 years, eventually reaching a total of over 20.000 respondents.

In the USA penicillin (discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming) and other antibiotica are, on a grand scale, used to cure sexually transmitted diseases.

1948 Alfred C. Kinsey and his collaborators Wardell B. Pomeroy and Clyde E. Martin publish their first great study "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male".
In Bombay, the physician A. P. Pillay edits the "The International Journal of Sexology", incorporating the older journal "Marriage and Hygiene", first issued in 1934. For several years, Dr. Pillay's journal has no competition in the field. Among other things, in 1950 it publishes Ernst Gräfenberg's pathbreaking article on female ejaculation.
In London, the Australian-born gynecologist Norman Haire begins the publication of "The Journal of Sex Education", a scientific journal for the educated general public. Haire, a friend of Hirschfeld's and a former leader in the World League for Sexual Reform, is also the founder and president of a "Sex Education Society", which offers public lectures.
1949 Simone de Beauvoir publishes her historical and socio-cultural study "Le deuxième sexe" (The Second Sex), which demands an end to the traditional discrimination against women. It becomes an important literary milestone for a newly awakened feminist movement.
1950 In New York, the gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg, who had escaped his persecution by the Nazis in his hometown Berlin, again describes the phenomenon of female ejaculation and calls attention to a female erogenous zone in connection with the paraurethral glands - the so-called Gräfenberg spot (G-spot).

Hans Giese in Frankfurt/M. founds the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung" (German Society for Sex Research).

1951 Clellan S. Ford and Frank A. Beach publish their study "Patterns of Sexual Behavior". The authors compare nearly 200 human societies with regard to their sexual behavior. By implication, the book further undermines the traditional Western moral absolutism in sexual matters.

The first hormonal contraceptive is developed. After being tested for several years, "the pill" becomes widely available beginning in 1960.

In Los Angeles, the first American homosexual liberation organization, the "Mattachine Society", is founded. It soon develops chapters in other parts of the US. Some of its members begin to publish the first American gay rights journal "ONE".

1953 Alfred C. Kinsey and his collaborators Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin and Paul H. Gebhard publish "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female". Both "Kinsey Reports" are based on personal interviews (not questionnaires!) with over 12.000 individuals from all over the USA. The extent of demonstrated premarital and extramarital intercourse, the sexual capacities of women as well as the extent of homosexual behavior lead to vehement attacks by conservative religious and political leaders. As a result of this pressure, Kinsey is denied further financial support for his research.
The physician Harry Benjamin, a friend of Hirschfeld's, who, in 1913, had moved to New York from Berlin, introduces the term "transsexuals", distinguishing them for the first time from the transvestites. 13 years later, he publishes the first book on the subject: "The Transsexual Phenomenon".
1955 The American medical psychologist John Money introduces the distinction between "sex" and "gender". This contributes to a new and more sophisticated discussion of the differences between men and women. The distinction gains increasing importance in sexology and also in Women's Studies.
In San Francisco, Del Martin, Phyllis Lyon and other women found the first Lesbian emancipation organization "The Daughters of Bilitis". Their journal "The Ladder" becomes one of the most influential vehicles for their cause in the US.
1957 The New York gynecologist Hans Lehfeldt, who had escaped from the Nazis in Berlin, founds, together with others, the American "Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality" (SSSS).
1960 The American sociologist Ira Reiss in his book "Premarital Sexual Standards in America" rejects the notion of a biological sex drive, stressing instead human "social heredity". He also predicts the soon following "sexual revolution" in the US.
1963 The American Betty Friedan publishes her book "The Feminine Mystique", which articulates a rebellion against the imposed traditional role of the housewife. Three years later, Friedan co-founds the "National Organization for Women" (NOW).
1964 In New York, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS) is founded by the physician Mary Steichen Calderone and others. This membership organization is devoted to sexuality education for people of all ages and backgrounds. It maintains a research library and publishes a bimonthly journal, the "SIECUS Report".
1965 First issue of the "Journal of Sex Research", a publication of the SSSS.

The institute founded by Alfred C. Kinsey publishes "Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Types". The authors are Paul H. Gebhard, John Gagnon, Wardell B. Pomeroy and Cornelia Christenson.(“The material for this text was compiled by Kinsey and his associates beginning in 1940.”-glossographer:Xiaohui Peng)

1966 The American gynecologist William H. Masters and his wife Virginia Johnson publish their study of the physiological processes during sexual activity: "Human Sexual Response". After Moll and Reich, they again suggest a 4-phase model of the sexual response. 1. excitement, 2. plateau, 3. orgasm, 4. resolution.
1967 The "American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists" (AASECT) is founded. In the absence of American governmental standards, this non-profit professional organization certifies sexual health practitioners as qualified in their respective fields. The AASECT example is later followed in Japan, India, and South America.
1968 The British scholar Mary McIntosh investigates "The Homosexual Role", coming to the conclusion that homosexuality is not a definite biological or psychological condition of certain individuals, which distinguishes them from everyone else, but rather a label attached to them by others and/or by themselves. It is a socially constructed role which is played voluntarily or involuntarily by some men and women, but not by others whose actual sexual behavior may not be much different. Ideas such as this eventually lead to a dispute between "essentialists" (mostly natural scientists), who continue to believe in some essential homosexuality, and "constructionists" (mostly social scientists), who no longer share this belief.
1970 Masters and Johnson publish their study of sexual dysfunctions: "Human Sexual Inadequacy". The book becomes the basis for a new behavioral "sex therapy".
1971 The American psychiatrist Richard Green founds the "International Academy of Sex Research". The Academy publishes the journal "Archives of Sexual Behavior".

Rolf Gindorf founds the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaftliche Sexualforschung" (DGSS = German Society for Social-Scientific Sex Research).

1973 The American sociological sex researchers John Gagnon and William Simon publish their book "Sexual Conduct: The Social Sources of Human Sexuality". They describe sexual behavior as 'scripted' behavior i.e. as a pattern of conduct following a certain 'script' or rather an interactively acquired individual combination of several, sometimes contradictory scripts provided by social institutions, family, friends, peer groups etc. Such scripts provide models, patterns, or definitions of what is or is not 'sexual' in a particular situation, how to interpret it and how to deal with it. Since the individual is often faced with competing or even mutually exclusive sexual scripts, personal conflicts of various kinds in this area are common. With these and similar arguments, the authors dismiss the once popular notion of a universal human 'sex drive'.

The American Psychiatric Association strikes the diagnosis "homosexuality" from its "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual". Thus, literally with the stroke of a pen, the label of illness is removed from millions of men and women. From that moment on, 'homosexuals' are healthy again - the greatest and fastest mass cure in medical history.

1974 The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva convenes a meeting of sexologists and experts in public health. As a result, it publishes a report in the following year: "Education and Treatment in Human Sexuality: The Training of Health Professionals". The report recommends, among other things, that sexology should become an autonomous discipline in the education and training of health professionals.
At the initiative of Hans Lehfeldt, the first World Congress of Sexology is organized in Paris. Other such congresses follow in Montréal (1976), Rome (1978), Mexico City (1979), Jerusalem (1981), Washington, DC. (1983), New Delhi (1985), Heidelberg (1987), Caracas (1989), Amsterdam (1991), Rio de Janeiro (1993), Yokohama (1995), and Valencia (1997). The next congresses will be held in Hong Kong (1999) and Paris (2001).
First issue of the "Journal of Homosexuality", edited by Charles Silverstein. Within a few years, its editorship passes into the hands of the psychologist John P. De Cecco who turns it into the leading journal of research on sexual orientation that it remains to this day.

In Great Britain, the Association of Sexual and Marital Therapists is formed, later to become the British Association for Sexual and Marital Therapy (BASMT).

1976 In San Francisco, "The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality" is founded, a state-approved private graduate school which offers state-approved Master's and Doctoral degrees in sexology. Its Academic Dean is Wardell B. Pomeroy, formerly the closest collaborator of Alfred C. Kinsey's.
1977 In England, Charlotte Wolff, a Berlin-born therapist who had escaped the Nazis, publishes her pioneering book "Bisexuality: A Study".
1978 In Rome the World Association for Sexology (WAS) is founded. It assumes the responsibility of organizing the subsequent World Congresses of Sexology.
1981 In Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York, the first cases of a new, deadly infectious disease are reported. It soon becomes known under the name of AIDS (HIV Infection), and it spreads all over the globe. Since the disease is sexually transmissible, it has enormous implications for both sexual behavior and the study of sex.
1986 The "American Board of Sexology" (ABS) is organized in Washington, D.C. This professional organization awards the status of diplomate to sexologists who meet its rigorous standards.
1988 First issue of the new German "Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung" (Journal for Sex Research).
1989 The "European Federation of Sexology" (EFS) is founded in Geneva.
1990 The "Asian Federation for Sexology" (AFS) is founded in Hongkong on the occasion of the "First Conference of Sexuality in Asia".

The "American Academy of Clinical Sexologists" is organized in Washington, D.C. This sister organization of the American Board of Sexology provides professional recognition for qualified physicians, sex therapists and sex counselors.

At the Charité and at the Reichstag the III. "International Berlin Conference for Sexology", organized by the DGSS and colleagues from Humboldt- University, unites participants from 20 countries. (The first two comparable conferences had been organized by Hirschfeld in 1921 and Moll in 1926). This meeting is also the 10th national conference of the DGSS, which awards its newly created Magnus Hirschfeld Medals for Sexual Science and Sexual Reform to Ernest Borneman (Austria) and Herman Musaph (Netherlands).




1991 The Indian physician Prakash Kothari organizes the "First International Conference on Orgasm" in New Delhi.
1992 IV. "International Berlin Conference for Sexology", again organized by the DGSS and colleagues from Humboldt University. This meeting is also the 11th national conference of the DGSS, which awards its Magnus Hirschfeld Medals for Sexual Science and Sexual Reform to John De Cecco (USA) and Imre Aszódi (Hungary).
The Shanghai sociologist Dalin Liu and his collaborators publish their voluminous study "Sexual Behavior in Modern China: Report of the Nation-Wide Survey of 20 000 Men and Women". The book (written and printed in Chinese) is presented at the Second Asian Conference of Sexology (American edition published in 1997).

"First Conference of the European Federation of Sexology" (EFS) in Taormina.

1994 V. "International Berlin Conference for Sexology", again organized by the DGSS and colleagues from Humboldt University, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the opening of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexology (founded in 1919). This meeting is also the 12th national conference of the DGSS.

The federal Robert Koch Institute in Berlin opens its Archive for Sexology in a suburb of Berlin, thereby reviving the city's sexological tradition, especially that of Hirschfeld's institute. The Archive is accessible to the public at regular openig hours.

Third Asian Conference of Sexology in New Delhi.

1995 In collaboration with the Robert Koch Institute, Archive for Sexology, the sexological collection of Dalin Liu, Shanghai, is shown in Berlin under the title "5.000 Years of Sexual Culture in China".

XII. World Congress of Sexology in Yokohama, Japan.

1996 The Archive for Sexology of the Robert Koch Institute moves to the center of Berlin.

The Institute for Sexology and Sexual Medicine is founded at the Charité Berlin.

The Asian Federation for Sexology (AFS) holds its IV. Asian Conference of Sexology in Taipei.

1997 XIII. World Congress of Sexology and Human Rights in Valencia, Spain. The congress issues a declaration of sexual rights.

VI. International Berlin Conference for Sexology: "100 years of Gay Liberation". From May to August, the Academy of Arts in Berlin shows an exhibition "100 Years of Gay Activism".

1998 The Asian Federation for Sexology (AFS) holds its V.Asian Conference of Sexology in Seoul, Korea.
1999 The World Association of Sexology (WAS) holds its XIV. World Congress of Sexology in Hong Kong.
2000 The European Federation of Sexology (EFS) holds its 5th Congress in Berlin.

2001 Social Science Conference on Human Sexuality in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
15th World Congress of Sexology in Paris.

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