


在上一节里,我们已经把人类的性行为区分为三个要素—— 性能力、性动机和性行动




  • ① 生物、自然的原因:机体生长与衰老的原因。

  • 社会心理原因:性脚本(sexual script)的学习与忘却的原因。


Development of Sexual Behavior


In an earlier section, we had distinguished between 3 basic factors in human sexual behavior - capacity, motivation, and performance.

We had also explained that these factors are not fixed entities of equal force, and that their balance and significance shift over time (see here).

Indeed, human sexual behavior, in its capacity, motivation, and performance, undergoes a continuing development from birth to death. This development is sometimes slow and barely noticeable (for example in childhood), at other times it is fast and dramatic (for example during puberty). However, even in adulthood and old age there continue to be changes, and some of these can also be subtle and gradual, others sudden and striking. In short, a person’s sexual capacity, motivation, and performance change at different paces in different phases of life.

These changes have two kinds of causes:

1. Biological, natural causes: The growth and decline of the body.
2. Psychosocial causes: The learning and unlearning of sexual scripts.

The following sections will discuss the changes and their causes in greater detail.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Introduction] [Stages] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]