


Four of its possible forms.
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尿道下裂 (Hypospadia,自希腊语hypo在下、在……之下”+spadon切开、撕裂”)是男性性器官的一种先天畸形:尿道没有从阴茎头开口,而是从阴茎体的某处开口,甚或在阴茎根部开口。所导致的结果是排尿困难,也就是说控制尿流发生困难。
尿道下裂的病因是在胎儿的某个关键时期一些激素失衡或缺乏。因为这种失衡,胎儿的性器官未能适当地发育完成。除了出生以前的激素调节失衡以外,各种各样的遗传和环境因素也可能是这种畸形的致病原因。畸形轻度者,尿道口狭窄并靠近阴茎头顶端;畸形严重者,尿道口大多为缝隙状并靠近阴茎的根部。阴茎常常为向下呈弯曲状。尿道下裂也可能伴发身体其他方面的症状,例如隐睾症和中间性(intersexuality,见后)。受到该疾病所累的男性数量相对较少(估计为每300人中有1),但是,发病率似乎在数个国家正在有所上升。(非常罕见的是,在女性中也发现了相应的病症:由于畸形发育或尿道缺失,膀胱会将尿液排入阴道)严重的尿道下裂并发病例可能涉及到更严重的中间性( intersexuality)的症状。



Physical Problems in Males


Hypospadia (from gr. hypo: “under” + spadon: “slit”, “break”, or “gash”) is a congenital malformation of the male sex organs: The urethra does not open through the glans of the penis, but somewhere through the underside of the penis shaft or even at the base of the penis. As a result, it is difficult to urinate normally, i.e. to control the stream of urine.
The cause of hypospadia is some hormonal imbalance or deficiency during a certain critical period before the boy is born. Because of this imbalance, the formation of his sex organs could not be properly completed. In addition to prenatal hormonal problems, various genetic and environmental factors may also contribute to this malformation. In mild cases of hypospadia the urethral opening is small and lies rather close to the tip of the glans; in severe cases, the opening is more of a gap and lies close to the base of the penis. Very often, the penis is curved, bending downward. There may also be a connection with other physical problems, for example undescended testicles and intersexuality (see there). The number of males affected is relatively small (an estimated 1 in 300), but it seems to be rising in several countries. (Very rarely, a comparable condition is found in females: Because of a malformed or missing urethra, the bladder empties into the vagina.) Severe and complicated cases of hypospadia may be related to the more serious problem of intersexuality.

In most cases (exception: intersexuality), early corrective surgery is the appropriate treatment. For various medical reasons, it is best performed before the boy reaches the age of three.

[Course 3] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Problems in Females] [Problems in Males] [Phimosis] [Gynecomastia] [Hypospadia] [Peyronie's Disease] [Priapism] [Varicocele] [Hydrocele] [Spermatocele] [Testicular Torsion] [Undescended Testes] [Self-examination] [Intersexuality] [Additional Reading] [Examination]