Description of Course



  • 可能影响性器官或通常能够损害性功能的某些未成年人和成年人的生理问题。这些生理问题从女性的阴蒂粘连、男子的包皮过长到中间性。


Description of Course

This course describes and discusses

  • some minor and major physical problems that may affect the sex organs
    or can generally impair sexual functionung. They range from clitoral
    adhesions in females and phimosis in males to intersexuality.

Please note: While the course briefly refers to various treatments, it is not intended as an instruction manual for any actual therapy. Diagnosing and treating the conditions described requires special medical training not provided here.

[Course 3] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Problems in Females] [Problems in Males] [Intersexuality] [Additional Reading] [Examination]