

男女不孕/不育性传播疾病搁一边不说,男女儿童、男女青少年和男女成人可能有影响他们性器官和性反应的严重生理问题,我们觉得这样的生理问题也可能由纷繁多样的与性无关的疾病和损伤所造成,这些纷繁多样的病因数量过多,本课程难以讨论,有特别的网站给大家提供有关这类病因的知识,例如哈佛医学院网站。慢性生理残障所导致的性器官和性反应的严重生理问题知识也必须在别的网页去寻找,例如在我们列举的性、疾病和残障的超级链接上就能够寻找到有关信息。然而,以下章节将一般性地讨论至少现今正引起浓厚兴趣的一个问题。这个问题就是不仅具有生理和心理,而且具有伦理、法律和社会政治意义的中间性的问题。最近几年中,受中间性影响的人们的呼声从没有过地高涨了,并且把探讨这种性现象的水平抬升到了一个新的台阶。有关中间性的极好的信息资源是北美中间性社团(Intersex Society of North America)



Both female and male children, adolescents, and adults can have serious physical problems affecting their sex organs and their sexual responses. Leaving aside infertility and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), one finds that such problems may also be caused by a great variety of non-sexual diseases and injuries too numerous to be discussed in this course. The relevant information is provided by special web sites, for example by that of the Harvard Medical School. Information on chronic physical disabilities must also be sought elsewhere, for example in our list of links on Sex, Illness, and Disability. However, the following section will, in a general way, discuss at least one problem which is receiving increased attention today. It is the problem of intersexuality which has not only physical and psychological, but also ethical, legal, and indeed sociopolitical dimensions.The persons affected have, in recent years, become ever more vocal and have raised the discussion to a new level. An excellent source of information about this is the Intersex Society of North America.

[Course 3] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Problems in Females] [Problems in Males] [Intersexuality] [Introduction] [Intersexual Spectrum] [Dealing w. Intersex.] [Additional Reading] [Examination]