Legal Aspects


賣淫: 有關的法律方面 1

賣淫在大多數國家是違法的。它也許是一項單純的輕度犯罪(例如在美國大多數州內),或也許是一種會被判處死刑的嚴重罪行(在一些穆斯林國家裏)。但是,無論這些國家的法律做出怎樣的規定,所有這些國家一樣都有興旺發達的性交易(sex trade)[1]


l         祛罪化管理,即撤銷各種反賣淫的刑事法律。

l         合法化管理,即讓賣淫成為一種符合一些通用的法律規則的合法行為。

l         制度化管理,即以某種官方的方式通過管理來調控賣淫。







[1]. 這是“性產業(sex industry的一個重要組成部分。——校者注。

[2]. 另參見:潘綏銘.析“性產業合法化”與“性產業社會管理化”.[J].華人性研究,200814):31-36 ——譯者注。

Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Legal Aspects 1

Prostitution is illegal in most countries. It may be a simple misdemeanor (for example in most of the USA), or it may be a serious crime carrying the the death penalty (in some Muslim countries). However, no matter what their laws may say, all of these countries also have a flourishing “sex trade”.
In view of this fact, other countries have looked for different approaches. Since criminalizing prostitution does not eliminate it and may actually reinforce its most unattractive features, one hopes that some other method may prove more helpful. For example:

  • Decriminalization, i.e. repealing the criminal laws against prostitution.
  • Legalization, i.e. making it a legal activity subject to certain general rules.
  • Regulation, i.e. controlling prostitution by regulating it in some official manner.

Actually, with regard to prostitution, there is no general agreement on the exact meaning of these terms. Indeed, sometimes they are used interchangeably (decriminalization is equated with legalization which, in turn, is often equated with regulation). This can make the discussion difficult. In the present course, we use the terms as defined above.
Decriminalization is the least ambiguous of the three approaches. It simply leaves the prostitutes to their own devices. However, it fails to deal with the issue of taxing their sometimes considerable income. In this sense, it is unjust and unfair to people in other lines of work who must pay their taxes.
Legalization may create a chance for taxation, but very often it does not go that far and amounts to little more than decriminalization. However, it can also blend into regulation when general rules become more specific.
Regulation by some government agency is bound to go into detail, sometimes into great detail. It may, for example, require brothels to be licensed and regularly inspected. It may also require prostitutes to have working permits, to register, to pay unemployment and health insurance, to undergo regular health checks, to use condoms etc.
In practice, each of the three approaches has its own advantages and drawbacks. None offers a perfect solution to the problems connected with prostitution. The fact that problems exist cannot be denied.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]