Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence


正如我們已經瞭解的那樣,一些性變異對於那些牽涉到的個人來說,可能會受到人們的質疑。在一些國家,這些性變異sexual variation[1]仍然是非常嚴重的事件。例如,戀物癖、易性癖和易裝癖可能會受到如此的壓制,以至於有這些性變異的個人甚至不能作為性少數而組織起來,而且換偶者、男同性戀者、女同性戀者和雙性戀者可能會受到法律的制裁。從這個意義上看,這些性變異在一些地方始終是被禁止的行為。當然,對所有這些性變異來說,這也是一個歷史的範疇問題:進步社會的政府和實行法律改革的政府或新近就職的壓制人的政府,都能夠在開明與保守這兩個方向上,非常徹底地改變社會環境。這在過去已經發生過,今天正在發生,而且將來可能還會發生。




[1].性變異(sexual variation):即前一章所討論的“變異的性行為Variations in sexual behavior)”。——譯者注。

Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

As we have seen, certain sexual variations can be problematic for the individuals concerned. In some countries, however, the problems are quite serious. For example, fetishists, transsexuals and transvestites may be so oppressed that they cannot even organize as minorities, and the sexual behavior of “swingers”, gays, lesbians, and bisexuals may be punishable by law. In that sense, these variations are already prohibited behaviors in some places. There is, of course, also a historical dimension to all of this: Progressive social and legal reforms or newly installed repressive governments can change the circumstances very drastically in either direction. This has happened in the past, is happening today, and is likely to happen in the future.
Nevertheless, it seems useful to offer a separate discussion of sexual behaviors that have been prohibited in most cultures much of the time. For example,
adult sexual contact with children has almost always been widely condemned, although certain exceptions should be noted. The case of prostitution is less clear-cut: Today, it is prohibited in many countries, but in others it has been legalized and, as every historian knows, it was an officially accepted and regulated feature of many great cultures of the past, including the Christian Middle Ages. Needless to say, however, child prostitution is illegal everywhere.
Finally, it seems necessary to address, at least in some basic way, the issue of
sexual violence. Again, some of its forms have always been – and still are – tolerated or even encouraged in certain situations. Indeed, in some countries one of the worst forms of sexual violence against children - the mutilation of female sex organs - is committed quite legally and with a good conscience.
The following sections provide some general information about these and a few related subjects. Because of the complexity of the issues themselves and the great variety of social and legal responses to them, it is not possible to be very specific in this course. One might think that, at least in the areas just mentioned, there is a world-wide consensus about legality or illegality, but this is not the case. Seen from a global perspective, there are simply too many widely diverging laws trying to regulate human sexual behavior.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]