Sexual Violence


性暴力: 概述 1

論暴力與健康世界報告,克拉格 EG 等編輯,世界衛生組織 WHO),日內瓦,2002。欲參考論性暴力的第6章概要,請點擊此處。欲參考該報告的全文,請點擊此處

World Report on Violence and Health, Krug EG et al., eds., World Health Organization (WHO),
Geneva, 2002.
For a summary of the chapter 6 on
“Sexual Violence”,
For the full text of the report, click




  • l         婚內或約會關係中的強姦

    l         陌生人強姦

    l         在武裝衝突期間的有計劃有步驟的強姦

    l         包括作為報答性質的強求的性接觸在內的非意願的性求愛或性騷擾

    l         對精神或身體殘障人的性辱虐

    l         對兒童的性辱虐

    l         包括與兒童結婚在內的強迫結婚或同居

    l         否定(他人)使用避孕手段或採取其他防止性傳播疾病措施的權利

    l         強迫流產

    l         包括女性生殖器毀損和強制做處女檢查在內的針對婦女的性忠誠採取的暴力舉動

    l         以性剝削為目的的強迫賣淫和人口販賣


[1]. 論暴力與健康世界報告,克拉格 EG 等編輯,世界衛生組織 WHO),日內瓦,2002。欲參考論性暴力的第6章概要,請點擊此處。欲參考該報告的全文,請點擊此處

Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence
Sexual Violence: Introduction 1
In 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report on Violence and Health which contains a lengthy chapter on sexual violence (chapter 6). It concludes:

“Sexual violence is a serious and common public health problem affecting millions of people each year throughout the world. It is driven by many factors operating in a range of social, cultural and economic contexts. At the heart of sexual violence directed against women is gender inequality.”

The report lists the following forms of sexual violence:
  • Rape within marriage or dating relationships

  • Rape by strangers
    Systematic rape during armed conflict

  • Unwanted sexual advances or sexual harassment, including demanding sex in return for favors

  • Sexual abuse of mentally or physically disabled people

  • Sexual abuse of children

  • Forced marriage or cohabitation, including the marriage of children

  • Denial of the right to use contraception or to adopt other measures to protect against sexually transmitted diseases

  • Forced abortion

  • Violent acts against the sexual integrity of women, including female genital mutilation and obligatory inspections for virginity

  • Forced prostitution and trafficking of people for the purpose of sexual exploitation

The report also states that the underlying purpose of sexual violence “is frequently the expression of power and dominance over the person assaulted”.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]