Historical Notes


成人與兒童的性接觸: 有關的歷史記載 1

路易斯·卡洛爾Lewis Carroll1832-1898


Lewis Carroll
(1832-1898). The English author of “Alice in Wonderland” felt attracted to very young girls, but never had sexual contact with them. Below is the original drawing of Alice, the type of girl to whom he was attracted.

有許多成人與兒童性接觸的成年舊事(需要提到)。在西方社會,最知名的也許是羅馬皇帝台比留Tiberius 西元前42-西元37年)了,在卡普里島宮殿裏,他為了滿足性欲望,不僅一直與青少年,而且與男女幼童也性接觸。不過,就因為這一原因,他甚至在古代也遭到了指責。儘管那時女性和男性發育接近或達到青春期時人們認為是合適的性夥伴了,然而,(與)幼童(的性接觸)卻是性方面的禁忌。台比留並不是孌童癖者(pedophile),他只不過是利用其皇權沉溺於所有形式的性放縱而已。

在基督教文化的歐洲和美國,這類行為決不會被人接受。然而,已經有過、而且現在仍舊有對兒童感到有性欲吸引力的成人。令人感興趣的例子莫過於路易斯·卡洛爾Lewis Carroll,筆名叫查理斯·路特維奇·道奇森),他是《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)和《鏡中奇緣》(Through the Looking Glass)的作者,曾四處尋找年輕女孩與其為伴,然後懷抱著她們講故事,並在其父母的同意下,給其中的一些女孩拍攝裸照。不過,他從未超出“適當”的行為界限,而且從沒有企圖(與兒童)有任何親近的身體接觸。按照我們現時的術語定義,他極可能是一個想方設法控制自己性衝動的孌童癖者。


Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence
Adult Sexual Contact with Children: Historical Notes 1
There are many historical examples of adults having sexual contact with children. In the Western world, the best known is perhaps the Roman emperor Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD), who kept not only adults and juveniles, but also little boys and girls for sexual purposes in his palace on the island of Capri. However, for this he was scolded even in antiquity. Small children were sexually taboo, although females and males were considered suitable partners once they approached or reached puberty. Tiberius was not a pedophile but simply used his imperial power to indulge in all kinds of sexual orgies.
In Christian Europe and America, this kind of behavior has never been accepted. Nevertheless, there have been - and there are now - adults who feel erotically attracted to children. An interesting example is
Lewis Carroll (pen name of Charles Lutwidge  
Dodgson), the author of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass”. He sought the company of young girls, entertained then, told them stories, and, with the permission of their parents, photographed some of them in the nude. However, he never overstepped the bounds of “propriety” and never attempted any close physical contact. According to our present terminology, he was probably a pedophile who managed to control his sexual impulses.
Today, this is an example pedophiles are encouraged to follow. Current treatments try, above all, to prevent them from breaking the law. Thus, training a pedophile to live with his fantasies without acting them out protects both him and the children he meets.

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