2. Bisexuals


性少数: 1. 双性恋者


(左)玛格丽特·鲁滨斯坦 Marguerite Rubenstein,1930- )美国临床医学家,曾经是1976年创建旧金山旧金山双性恋者中心的后台强有力的支持者。这是第一个提供各种服务的双性恋机构。较早之前的双性恋组织,是国家双性恋解放组织(the National Bisexual Liberation Group)1972年在纽约创立

(右)弗里茨·克莱因 Fritz Klein1932 -2006),美国精神病学家和双性恋运动先驱,于1978年发表过《双性恋的选择权》(The Bisexual Option)一书,为第一部旨在研究双性恋的专著。

当男同性恋者和女同性恋者设法获得社会认可为性少数的时候,他们就会通过号召蛰伏的成员结束地下状态(出柜- out of the closet),不再假装自己是异性恋者,而要向社会宣告自己同性恋者身份

这就含蓄地把人类分为两个相互排斥的阵营——“直人(straight,即异性恋)同志(gay,即同性恋者),或者,用阿尔弗雷德·金西的话说,分为善人与恶人(sheep and goats[1]。但是,这种划分并没有妥善地顾及到被两个性别所性吸引的许许多多的男男女女们。的确,他们现在感到既被同性恋性少数(homosexual minority )也被异性恋性多数(heterosexual majority)所压迫。这两个族群的人称他们自己为单一的单性恋者(monosexual。所以,为了对这种局面做出回应,他们作为另一个性少数族群开始组织起来,即双性恋性少数(bisexual minority)。随着他们的运动不断发展,美国双性恋者性少数于1990年在旧金山召开了第一次全国大会。与相似的少数族群建立的联系网络促成了1991年在阿姆斯特丹的第一次双性恋者性少数国际会议,以及随后由其他性少数族群召集的国际性会议。如今,双性恋者性少数运动也包括许多跨性者(transgendered people),并且把自己的这种运动视为设法打破传统性别分极分类体系的更大的解放运动


[1]. 自《圣经》。——译者注。

Variations in Sexual Behavior

Sexual Minorities: 1. Bisexuals



Pioneers of the Bisexual Movement
Feeling oppressed by both the homosexual and the heterosexual world, American bisexuals began to organize in the 1970s. Shown here are two important pioneers of the new movement.

Marguerite Rubenstein (b.1930), an American therapist, was the driving force behind the founding of the Bisexual Center in San Francisco in 1976. It was the first bisexual organization with its own center offering a variety of services. An earlier group, the National Bisexual Liberation Group, had been founded in New York in 1972. Fritz Klein (1932 -2006), an American psychiatrist and pioneer of the bisexual movement, published “The Bisexual Option” in 1978, the first psychological study specifically devoted to bisexuality.

When the gays and lesbians tried to gain recognition as a minority, they sought to increase their numbers by asking potential members to come out of hiding (“out of the closet”), to stop pretending that they were heterosexuals and declare their homosexuality to the world.
By implication, this divided the human race into two mutually exclusive camps – “gay” or “straight, or, in the words of
Alfred Kinsey, into “sheep and goats”.  However, this division did not sit well with very many women and men who were erotically attracted to both sexes. Indeed, they now felt oppressed by both the homosexual minority and the heterosexual majority, calling both of them them one-sided “monosexuals”. In response, therefore, they began to organize as another minority – the bisexuals. As their movement grew, American bisexuals organized their first national congress in San Francisco in 1990. Networking with similar groups led to a first International Congress on Bisexuality in Amsterdam 1991, and this was followed by others. Today, the bisexual movement also includes many transgendered people and sees itself as part of a larger liberation movement that tries to break down the traditional polarized gender categories.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [History] [Two Examples] [Sexual Minorities: Intro] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]