1. Gays and Lesbians


性少数: 1. 男同性恋者与女同性恋者 1

马格纳斯·赫希菲尔德(1868-1935),德国医生,性学最重要的先驱者。1897年,他与一帮朋友创建了世界上第一个”同性恋者权利“组织”科学的人道主义委员会“ (Wissenschaftlich- humanitäres Komitée, WhK)。

Magnus Hirschfeld
(1868-1935), a German physician, was the most important pioneer of sexology.
In 1897, he and a few friends founded the world’s first “gay rights” organization, the
Scientific Humanitarian Committee (Wissenschaftlich- humanitäres Komitée, WhK)


的确,在赫希菲尔德的专业生涯中,他本人很早就认识到同性恋问题基本上来说只不过是社会拒绝接纳的性的现实存在问题。德国反男同性性行为的法律导致了太多的虚伪,威胁着许多受人尊敬的普通公民和上层社会的男士,招致勒索和敲诈,导致耸人听闻的公共丑闻,为此而毁掉了许多人卓越与无可挑剔的事业。在没有这种法律的法国和意大利,同样没有这些麻烦问题,当然,在日本也是这样。简而言之,德国的这部反男同性性行为的法律不仅无济于事,而且实际上对这个国家遗患无穷。赫希菲尔德与一些朋友所以于1897年创建了世界上第一个同性恋者权利(gay rights组织,即科学的人道主义委员会WhK)。该委员会从许多著名人物(包括艾伯特·爱因斯坦)那里征集签名,向德国国会请愿进行法律改革。但是,赫希菲尔德生前并没有等来这场法律改革。事实上,改革直到1994年才成为现实,这几乎是自他首次不遗余力100年之后的事情

[1]. 1931-1933年,赫希菲尔德遭到纳粹肆意侮辱,在德国无安全保障,因而开始周游世界沿途演讲达数百场,宣传性学思想。他先后到过美国、日本、中国、印度、埃及、巴勒斯坦和希腊。自此后他就没有返回德国。——译者注。

Variations in Sexual Behavior
Sexual Minorities: 1. Gays and Lesbians 1
When Magnus Hirschfeld, on his trip around the world, came to Japan in 1931, he was asked by a Japanese doctor: “Why is it that one hears so much about homosexuality in Germany and nothing about it here in Japan?” Hirschfeld’s answer is truly worth pondering, even today: ”That, my dear colleague, is because it is forbidden by us and permitted by you.” Indeed, Hirschfeld himself had, very early in his career, realized that the “homosexual problem” was basically nothing more than society’s refusal to accept the sexual realities. Germany’s law against male homosexual intercourse produced a great deal of hypocrisy, threatened many respectable ordinary citizens and men in high places, invited blackmail and extortion, and led to sensational public scandals ruining many brilliant, otherwise blameless careers. France and Italy, which had no such law, also never had any of these problems, and, of course, neither did Japan. In short, the German law served no useful purpose, but was actually harmful to the country. Hirschfeld and some friends therefore founded the world’s first “gay rights” organization in 1897, the WhK. It collected signatures from many prominent people (including Albert Einstein) for a petition to the German parliament demanding legal reform. However, Hirschfeld did not see the reform in his lifetime. In fact, it became reality only in 1994, almost 100 years after his first effort.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [History] [Two Examples] [Sexual Minorities: Intro] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]