With Medical Assistance


避孕方法: 用医学协助的方法

绝育(输精管结扎术、输卵管结扎术)是需要外科手术的避孕方法。避孕药皮下埋植杆避孕针剂阴道隔膜宫内避孕器(IUDs需要医生开具处方。在大多数国家,无医生的处方也不能够购买事后避孕药morning-after pills)。医生的医嘱和督察对于安全期避孕则是重要的。


Methods of Contraception: With Medical Assistance

Surgery is needed in the case of sterilization (vasectomy, tubal ligation). A doctor's prescription is needed for contraceptive pills, implants, injections, diaphragms, and intra-uterine devices (IUDs). In most countries, "morning-after pills" also cannot be purchased without a prescription. A doctor's advice and supervision are important for the “rhythm method”.
Some contraceptives require a doctor's prescription because they could be ineffective or dangerous if used indiscriminately. As a matter of fact, it makes sense to seek professional advice before choosing any method of contraception. Such advice is offered by all Planned Parenthood offices and other family planning clinics as well as by many private physicians. Not every method is suitable for everybody at all times. Making the right individual choice is the first step toward success. In some cases, religious reasons or personal habits rule out certain methods, and what works well with one person today may fail with another tomorrow. It is, therefore, essential to understand how each method works in order to ensure its proper application. Many unwanted pregnancies occur because of careless use of otherwise effective methods.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [A Complex Issue] [Methods of Contracep.] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]