History of the Term 7

緒論 - 什麼是性行為?
性及性行為的術語演變史 6拉丁文的《性病態》

理查德··克拉夫特-埃賓(Richard von Krafft-Ebing1840-1902),奧地利精神病學家,於1886年出版過有影響力的著作《性病態》(Psychopathia sexualis1886)。在該書裏,他把許多反傳統的性行為表現描述成精神疾病的徵象。在書中,他也引入了描述這些性行為的精神病學病名,諸如“施虐癖(sadism)”、“受虐癖(masochism)”和“性欲孌童癖(erotic pedophilia)”。

von Krafft-Ebing
(1840-1902), a psychiatrist in Austria, published his influential study „Psychopathia Sexualis“ (Sexual Sickness of the Mind) in 1886. In it, he described many cases of unconventional sexual behavior as signs of mental illness. He also introduced psychiatric names for some of these behaviors, such as “sadism”, “masochism”, and “erotic pedophilia”.


到了克拉夫特-埃賓在他的出生國出版自己的著作《性病態》(Psychopathia sexualis1886[2]的時候,能夠讓人容忍”的涉的詞語就已經變得少之又少,並且公眾變得如此敏感,以至於不能公開談論這個話題了。為了不讓普通讀者讀懂這本書裏的內容和避免遭致可能的輿論抨擊,不僅書名本身,而且許多直露的段落都是用拉丁文寫成的。

[1]. 參見彭曉輝譯.性健康促進行動方案:區域磋商會議既要.-概念框架.吳敏倫審校.赫西菲爾德性學資料庫:http://www.sexarchive.info/CH/PSHC/PSH-CH/02cf.html 2008-12-21 ;另參見:彭曉輝. 對“Sex”和“Sexuality”的討論及其定義的中文翻譯. 見:阮芳賦總編.潘綏銘主編. 中國“性”研究的起點與使命. 臺灣高雄:萬有出版社,2005

[2] 陳蒼多譯,左岸文化出版,臺北,2005。——校者注。

Introduction - What is sexual behavior?

History of the Term 7

Toward the end of the 19th century, the “sexuality“ of females and males with its manifold manifestations had become an object of scientific research. Indeed, people began to see "sex" everywhere. At the same time, however, they also found themselves with a greatly reduced vocabulary for the sensual or erotic. The fantastic variety of medieval English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German words for sex organs, body functions, and lovemaking had gradually been replaced by some embarrassed euphemisms and a small number of incomprehensible Greek and Latin terms. The rich vernacular was suppressed as "vulgar" and "dirty".
By the time
Krafft-Ebing published his study “Psychopathia Sexualis” in his native German, the “acceptable” language had become so impoverished and the public had become so sensitive that one could no longer talk openly about the subject of “sex”. Not only the title of the book itself, but also many explicit passages were written in Latin so that ordinary readers could not understand them and perhaps take offense.



[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [History of the Term] [Current Meanings] [The "Sex Drive"] [Factors] [Our Definition 1] [Our Definition 2] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]