Course 2
Methods of Contracep.
Natural or Artificial?
With Assistance
Without Assistance
Methods for Men
Methods for Women
Methods for Either Sex
Future Methods
Success and Failure
Future Methods of Contraception


男性的避孕方法除了上面敘及的以外,眼下正在研製的有激素和非激素避孕針劑;人們一直在設法研製非外科手術和可逆的絕育措施 。此外,也有人正在研製新的更好的皮下埋植避孕法,並且是適宜用於男女雙方的男女兼用避孕法。這種方法防止垂體釋放卵泡刺激素(FSH)和黃體刺激素( LH)。既然這兩種激素既是卵子也是精子發育所必需的,阻斷它們的釋放會致使男女不孕或不育一段時間。

Methods of Contraception: Future Methods of Contraception

In addition to the already-mentioned hormonal and non-hormonal injections for men now in the trial phase, there are continuing attempts to develop new non-surgical and reversible sterilization procedures. In addition, researchers are working on better implants and on some new “unisex contraception” suitable for both women and men. This would prevent the release of the hormones FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) from the pituitary gland. Since these hormones are necessary for the development of both eggs (oogenesis) and sperm (spermatogenesis), blocking their release would render both females and males infertile for the time in which the method is used.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [A Complex Issue] [Methods of Contracep.] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]