Course 2
Methods of Contracep.
Natural or Artificial?
With Assistance
Without Assistance
Methods for Men
Methods for Women
Methods for Either Sex
Future Methods
Success and Failure
Contraceptive Methods for Either Sex


只有兩種避孕方法對男女兩性都適用:節欲和絕育。節欲和絕育即可能是強制的也可能是自願的。強制節欲的例子是寄宿學校、監獄、軍營和露營地、遠洋輪船、醫院和療養院等場所。可是,在所有這些場所裏,節欲也可能是自願的。後者的最好例子莫過於修道院。絕育在今天是最平常不過的自願手術了,但是在往日,那些不受歡迎的群體更經常地不得不被強制絕育。這種非人道的手術曾經大抵以種族改善優生學” (產生優質人類的科學)的主張證明是正當的。如此的主張,在許多國家已經被各種各樣的種族主義政策弄得臭名昭著,現在沒有人再予理睬了。另一方面,作為自願的永久性避孕方法,絕育日益受到人們的歡迎。

Methods of Contraception: Contraceptive Methods for Either Sex

There are only two contraceptive methods suitable for either women and men: Abstinence and sterilization. Both abstinence and sterilization can be enforced or voluntary. Examples of forced abstinence are boarding schools, prisons, army barracks and camps, ships, hospitals, and nursing homes. However, in all of these cases, abstinence may also be practiced voluntarily. A good example for the latter is a monastery. Sterilization is most often a voluntary operation today but, in the past, it has all to often been forced upon “undesireable” groups of the population. These inhumane practices were usually justified with claims of “race improvement”, or “eugenics” (the science of producing “better” human beings). Such claims, having been discredited in many countries by various racist policies, are now no longer accepted. On the other hand, as a voluntary method of permanent contraception, sterilization is now becoming increasingly popular.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [A Complex Issue] [Methods of Contracep.] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]