ITESO (Uganda / KENYA)


IndexAfricaUganda → Iteso


Also featured: Ik, Gisu, Acholi, Sebei, Bahima/Bahuma [Hima, Bahuma Bajoro], Bachiga, Lango, Nkole, Ganda, Kiziba, Lugbara, Jie, Bwamba, Baamba, So, Guang, Sabiny


“At present, a boy’s heterosexual activities begin at the age of 12 to 15 when he builds a bachelor hut […]. Until this time, sexual activities will consist primarily of masturbation, practised either singly or in groups, but we have no information on its frequency” (Karp and Karp, 1973:p392-3)[1]. The hut is shared with younger brothers and sisters, which “may very well constitute a learning experience for them”.






Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. Volume I. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004



[1] Karp, I. & Karp, P. (1973) The Iteso of the Kenya-Uganda border, in Molnos, A. (Ed.) Cultural Source Materials for Population Planning in East Africa. University of Nairobi, Institute of African Studies. Vol. 3, p385-98