

性暴力:性器官毁损: 流行状况 1


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资料来源:UN agencies, Terre des femmes, Amnesty International, afrol News 
Prevalence by country and form of mutilation
The map shows the countries where the traditional mutilation of female sex organs is practiced.
The colors indicate the two main forms of mutilation in various regions:
 Excision Infibulation
Sources: UN agencies, Terre des femmes, Amnesty International, afrol News  

1 毛里塔尼亚(Mauritania)

8 马里


15 尼日利亚(Nigeria)

 22 埃及


 29 索马里      (Somalia)

2 萨内加尔(Senegal)

 9 布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)

16 乍得


23 苏丹


 30 吉布提       (Djibouti)

3 冈比亚   (Gambia)

10 科特迪瓦    (Ivory Coast)

17 喀麦隆(Cameroon)

24 乌干达


31 沙特阿拉伯    (Saudi Arabia)

4 几内亚比绍(Guinea Bissau)

11 加纳 


18 中非共和国(Centr.Afr.Rep.)

25 厄立特里亚(Eritrea)

32 也门          (Yemen)

5 几内亚    (Guinea)

12 多哥         (Togo)

19 刚果


26 埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)

33 阿曼            (Oman)

6 塞拉里昂  (SierraLeone)

13 贝宁


20 刚果民主共和国(DR Congo)

27 肯尼亚


34 阿拉伯联合酋长国(UnitedEmirates)

7 利比里亚  (Liberia)

14 尼日尔     (Niger)

21 利比亚


28 坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)


Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence: Mutilation of Female Sex Organs: Prevalence

The mutilation of female sex organs is now found mainly in some parts of Africa and of the Arabic peninsula. (To a limited extent, the practice is also found in Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia). The map below identifies the most important countries and also shows where the main types of mutilation are being performed. As can be seen, the practice is common in some, but by no means in all Muslim countries. Indeed, to the great majority of Muslims in the world, the practice is unknown. Very clearly, it is more a matter of regional culture than of religion.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]