

3. 同性性交: 手交



Female couple
beginning love play,
Chinese painting,
early 20th century.
Courtesy China Sex Museum, Tongli


Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior
3. Homosexual Intercourse: Manual Intercourse
Manual intercourse between females is rather similar to that between males. Of course, women normally love to be touched and caressed all over their bodies, and they are not necessarily as eager as men to proceed to the manipulation of their sex organs. Still, women know best what gives women pleasure, and they can very well reach orgasm through mutual masturbation. Furthermore, since sexual excitement in women produces natural vaginal lubrication, no artificial lubricants are needed. Contrary to what many men imagine, women usually do not insert anything into their vaginas when they masturbate, but simply touch and stroke the external sex organs such as the shaft (not the glans) of the clitoris, the minor lips, and the vaginal opening. They may also stimulate these areas very effectively with an electric vibrator.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]