Sexual Rights 2

性權利  2

但是,正如當時人們細心留意的那樣,美國儘管有了《獨立宣言》,奴隸制度依然存在南方地區;法國的《人權與公民權利宣言》忽視了婦女的權利,她們依然被剝奪了公民權利;而《聯合國人權宣言》就性權利保持著緘默,而在數十年之前,性權利就已經是一個重大的社會議題。的確,在1930年就已經提出了第一個人類性權利大憲章,只是由於不斷泛起的法西斯主義的威脅以及隨後的第二次世界大戰,才被束之高閣。當聯合國發佈這個《聯合國人權宣言》的時候,雷內·李昂(René Guyon抨擊該宣言沒有提出保護性權利的條款。當時,他向所有認識的性學家送發了印製的小冊子,抨擊該宣言沒有提出保護性權利。



The UN Declaration and its critic
The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) was criticized by René Guyon for failing to protect sexual rights. Shown here on the right is the cover of his pamphlet “Human Rights and the Denial of Sexual Freedom” (1951).

最終,各種各樣大大小小的社會團體只好發佈自己的《人權、性權利與生殖權利宣言》 Declarationsof Human, Sexual, and Reproductive Rights。在現時背景下,其中最重要的宣言莫過於1999年由世界性學會[the World Association of SexologyWAS;現在改成:“世界性健康學會(the World Association for Sexual Health)”。]採納的《性權利宣言》(Declaration of Sexual Rights。以下是該宣言的全文[1]

[1]. 見:彭曉輝譯.性權利宣言. 吳敏倫審校.[J].華人性研究 200812):5~6Chinese Sexuality Research-WACS Newsletter, 2008, Vol. 1 No. 2:5~6

Variations in Sexual Behavior

Sexual Rights 2

However, as was noted at the time, in spite of the American declaration, slavery continued in the Southern states, the French declaration neglected the rights of women, who remained disenfranchised, and the UN declaration was silent on sexual rights, which, in the decades before, had become an important social issue. Indeed, the first Magna Charta of Human Sexual Rights had already been proposed in 1930, but, because of the growing threat of fascism and the following Second World War, it was simply forgotten. When the UN eventually issued its declaration, it was criticized for failing to protect sexual rights by René Guyon, who sent a privately printed pamphlet to all sexologists he knew.

In the end, it was left to various small and large social groups to issue their own Declarations of Human, Sexual, and Reproductive Rights. In the present context, the most important of these is the Declaration of Sexual Rights adopted in 1999 by WAS - the World Association of Sexology (today “for Sexual Health”). The full text follows.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Sexual Rights] [Sexual Rights 2] [Sexual Rights 3] [History] [Two Examples] [Sexual Minorities: Intro] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]