Definitions 4


成人與兒童的性接觸: 定義 4



This detail of an ancient Greek vase painting shows the adult lover (Erastes) kissing the adolescent beloved (Eromenos).



戀童年hebephilia,自希臘語hebe:年輕的):成人(通常為男性)的性吸引力(sexual attraction)指向接近青春期年齡的少年。有時也作為戀青少年(ephebophilia的同義詞使用。

戀青少年 ephebophilia,自希臘語ephebos:青少年):成人(通常為男性)的性吸引力指向青春期年齡之後的青年人。有時也作為“戀童年(hebephilia)”的同義詞使用。

戀青年 pederasty,自希臘語eran:愛戀、愛慕、與……發生性愛關係):成人(通常為男性)的性吸引力指向少年期年齡之後的青少年或青年(14-17歲)。該術語常常被誤用,但是回憶一下該術語的原初含義有助於我們加深理解:在古希臘,少年愛(paiderastia)曾經是一種社會稱讚的習俗,在這種習俗裏,成年男性求愛者(伊悅斯特,the Eraste)向青春期的男子求愛,並設法讓這位男子成為愛人(伊羅曼諾,the Eromeno)。儘管這種關係通常涉及到性接觸,但是,性接觸首先是為了服務於教育的目的。


Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence
Adult Sexual Contact with Children: Definitions 4
Before proceeding further, it may be useful to clarify not only the term "pedophilia", but also some other terms often heard in this context:
Pedophilia: Recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (age 13 years or younger).
Hebephilia (from Gr. hebe: young): The sexual attraction of an adult - usually male - to young people around the age of puberty. Sometimes used as a synonym for “ephebophilia”.
Ephebophilia (from Gr. ephebos: adolescent): The sexual attraction of an adult - usually male - to young people after puberty. Sometimes used as a synonym for "hebephilia."
Pederasty (from Gr. eran: to love): The sexual attraction of an adult - usually male - to adolescents after puberty (ages 14-17). This term is often misused, but it is helpful to recall its original meaning: In ancient Greece, paiderastia was a socially approved custom, in which an adult male lover (the Erastes) courted an adolescent male and made him his beloved (the Eromenos). While this relationship usually involved sexual contact, it served, above all, an educational purpose.
These terms clearly distinguish between pre- and postpubescent young people, and, by implication, they provide a definition of childhood that is accepted in medicine, psychiatry, psychology, biology, ethnology, sociology, and history (but not always in criminal codes): Children are girls and boys before puberty. Only the desire for sexual contact with them should be called “pedophilia”. It is unrealistic and unwise to ignore this distinction. Pedophilia is rare. Hebephilia is more common and should be judged differently.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]