Definitions 3


成人與兒童的性接觸: 定義 3



  • ① 並不是每一個已經與兒童發生性接觸的成人都是孌童癖者;

  • ② 並不是每一個孌童癖者都與兒童有性接觸。


大多數這樣的成人並不是孌童癖者。他們真正的性興趣在於其它的方面,而且他們與兒童發生的性接觸行為仍舊是偶發的或短暫的。他們只是抓住一次發生性接觸的機會,或者屈從於一閃而過的性衝動,或者是出於性好奇,或者利用了意外的機會,或者為利用兒童的依賴性找到了方便的機會。這樣的成人早就被人稱為境遇性罪犯(situational offender,其相對應的稱呼叫預謀性罪犯(preferential offender,即偏好兒童的孌童癖者[1]


[1]. Kenneth V. Lanning, “Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis. For Law Enforcement Officers Investigating Cases of Child Sexual Exploitation. In Cooperation with the FBI”,  Fourth Edition 2001. (欲覓這部非常重要的完整的著作,請點擊此處

Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Adult Sexual Contact with Children: Definitions 3

When people today discuss adult sexual contact with children, the term most often heard is “pedophilia” (literally, love of children, from gr. pais: boy or child and philia: love). In psychiatry, pedophilia means an adult’s erotic love of children or the sexual attraction to children. Indeed, there are some adults - most of them men – who persistently and strongly feel this attraction. They are called “pedophiles”. In psychiatric manuals, pedophilia is listed as a mental disorder among the paraphilias.
However, it is important to understand two basic facts:

  1. Not every adult who has sexual contact with a child is a pedophile, and
  2. not every pedophile has sexual contact with a child.

Leaving aside the different legal definitions of “child” and the varying ages of consent, there are “clear-cut” cases that allow no dispute: Some adults have sexual contact with children, i.e. with girls and/or boys who have not yet reached puberty.
Most of these adults are not pedophiles. Their “real” sexual interest lies elsewhere, and their behavior therefore remains occasional or episodic. They simply seize an opportunity, or follow a fleeting impulse, or are curious, or take advantage of an unexpected situation, or find it convenient to exploit a child’s dependency. Such adults have been called “situational offenders” as opposed to “preferential offenders”, i.e. pedophiles who prefer children 1.
However, many pedophiles manage to control their urges. Some even deliberately avoid the company of children. This self-control is the goal of preventive therapy programs for pedophiles, since their sexual interests are not likely to change.

1. Kenneth V. Lanning, “Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis. For Law Enforcement Officers Investigating Cases of Child Sexual Exploitation. In Cooperation with the FBI”, Fourth Edition 2001. (For the full text of this very informative book click here)

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]