Historical Background 2


歷史背景 2: “性副態”

弗裏德瑞奇S.克蕘斯Friedrich S. Krauss1859 -1938

奧地利人種學家,撰造了術語性副態。他在巴爾幹半島收集了有關性的民俗學素材,編輯出版了年鑒《人類繁衍》(1904-1913),而且是由赫希菲爾德1918年創立的第一本《性學雜誌(Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft)的合編者

Friedrich S. Krauss (1859 -1938) an Austrian ethnologist, coined the term “paraphilia“. He collected erotic folklore in the Balkans, edited the journal “Anthropophyteia” (1904-1913) and was co-editor of the first Journal of Sexology (Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft), founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1908.



[1]. Paraphilia——中文一般被翻譯成“性反常行為”,或照舊的說法也譯為“性變態。其實,這都是錯譯。Paraphilia正是為了糾正“性反常行為”或“性變態這些不當的標籤而被使用起來的,例如在1970年代出版的性醫學大師瑪斯特斯等的名著《性醫學教科書》便把過去被稱為“性變態內容的那一章題為“Paraphilia”。所以,我建議的一個合適的譯法是“性副態1980年代,吳階平院士主譯的《性醫學》一書,就是本書的中文節譯(Paraphilia和“同性戀”等章在中文版中已一併刪去paraphilia)。現在,paraphilia已經用得更少,取而代之的是一個更無貶義的詞:“性少數sexual minority”。——校者注。鑒於此,本教程對paraphilia都翻譯成“性副態”。——譯者注。

Variations in Sexual Behavior
Historical Background 2: "Paraphilia"
When the medical profession tried to find a scientific, i.e. purely descriptive, morally neutral expression to replace the judgmental “perversion”, “aberration”, and “deviation“, it finally adopted the term ”paraphilia” (gr. para: beside, and philia: love). However, from the standpoint of logic, this is no improvement: A paraphilia remains, by definition, a second-rate love. The term still assumes and implies the existence of a "real", "true","natural", and "correct" love (philia) which has sisters of minor rank standing beside, behind, or below it, just as the paramedical personnel stands behind or below the "real" doctor. Scientifically speaking, this is an unwarranted assumption. Those who use the term imply that they know the “true” meaning and purpose of sexual behavior, and they claim the authority to correct whatever falls short of what they consider ideal. At best, they are ideologues without being aware of it.
Indeed, none of the various definitions of “paraphilia” meets even the most basic standard of objectivity. They are either moralistic and naïve or inexcusably vague or even tautological. For example: Some writers speak of “
sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme”, others refer to “arousal by sexual objects or situations which may interfere with the capacity for reciprocal affectionate sexual activity”. Still others state that “paraphilias are sexual impulse disorders characterized by behaviors that are considered deviant”, or they proclaim categorically that “paraphilias are psychiatric disorders that are manifested as deviant sexual behavior”. The last two definitions are tautological and especially meaningless (“paraphilias are disorders and therefore deviant”). This is like saying that “an extramarital affair manifests itself in adultery” or that “poverty is due to a lack of money”. Such empty formulas are useless in any scientific discourse. They explain nothing and are open to all sorts of arbitrary interpretations. However, the other definitions are not much better: Many human behaviors are “atypical” without indicating a psychiatric disorder: Climbing very high mountains, riding a bicycle around the world, entering a monastery and taking a vow of silence, collecting porcelain thimbles, and many others. The word “extreme” is a relative term which changes its concrete meaning from one speaker and context to another. “Reciprocal affectionate sexual activity” is a cultural ideal of the modern Western middle classes and by no means universal, either historically or geographically. On the other hand, many so-called paraphilic activities can very well include reciprocity and affection. In short, the term “paraphilia” is just as ideological and prescientific as those it was meant to replace.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [History] [Two Examples] [Sexual Minorities: Intro] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]