A Cycle?




人的生命過程常常被人描述成一個輪回。有人甚至把一個人從孩童期經過生長期、成熟期、衰老期到第二孩童期的老年期等各個時期說成是人的生命週期。可是,這樣的說法是膚淺的和欠考慮的。例如,把老年期解釋成第二孩童期就已經導致了人們的錯誤認識,人們會認為老年男女會像孩童一樣是無性的會認為他們沒有性需要或性能力。無論如何,對於一個個體來說,生命並不是輪回的,也就是說,一旦生命終止了,不會重新開始[1]。面對這種令人不快的事實,一些宗教相信另一個生命循環的假說——“超生說(transmigration of soul,靈魂輪回說),即一個人能作為另一個人或動物以另一個生命體再生(超生),不過在現時的科學背景下,我們必須要把這種信仰擱置起來。然而,我們可以描述一個生物物種(包括人類)的生命體,那麼就按照循環論的說法:每一代生命體就像他們的上一代一樣地出生、生存和死亡——一個一再重複的循環模式。誠然,基於這種普通的認識,對有關生命的輪回說就勿需贅言了。但是,在我們當今的世界裏,每一代人的生活體驗與上一代人的可謂千差萬別。這種差別不僅在於:在個人的生活水準和生活體驗上終歸各具特色,而且歸根結底都是不可比擬的。簡而言之,每一個生命體的容貌和地位卑尊,事實上是獨特而短暫的。一旦被賦予了生命,就不可能再生。這個規律對於一個生命體所體驗到的每一個迅急的時刻也是適用的。子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!不舍晝夜。[2]

[1].  這一過程是地球上幾乎所有生命體的最終歸宿。但是,截止到現在,科學家發現了很可能是地球上唯一一種不會死亡的微型海洋生物——燈塔水母(turritopsis nutricula,行無性繁殖,多生活在熱帶海域),其直徑僅有4-5mm,具有“返老還童”的神奇本領:通常情況下,水母會在繁殖完下一代後死亡,但燈塔水母在達到性成熟階段之後,又會重新回到年輕階段,並開始另一次生命過程;從理論上講,這種循環過程周而復始、永續重複。燈塔水母的“返老還童”過程可能是通過細胞的轉分化過程實現的。——譯者注。

[2] 原文為“Once they have passed, they never return.”借孔子的名言(引自《論語·子罕》)以譯之,翻譯成白話就是:一逝去就不再來的時光啊,就像這河水一樣,日夜流不停,永無返回!——譯校者注。

Development of Sexual Behavior


A Cycle?

The course of human life from birth to death has often been described as a cycle. One has even spoken of a human “life cycle“, from childhood through various stages of growth, maturation, and decline to a “second childhood” in old age. However, such talk is superficial and thoughtless. For example, interpreting old age as a second childhood has led to the false belief that older women and men are “asexual” like children and have no sexual needs or capacities. At any rate, for the individual, life is not cyclical, i.e. once it has ended, it does not begin again. Faced with this unpleasant truth, certain religious beliefs assume a life cycle of another sort – a “transmigration of souls”, i.e. the possibility that someone can be reborn in another life as another person or as an animal, but in the present scientific context, we have to put such beliefs aside. One can, however, describe the life of a species, including the species man (homo sapiens), in cyclical terms: Each new generation is born, lives, and dies just as its progenitors - a pattern that is repeated over and over again. Still, in this general sense, the description does not say very much. After all, in our modern world, the experiences of each generation are quite different from the one that preceded it. Not only that: On the personal level the experiences are always very specific and, in the final analysis, incomparable. In short: The beauty and dignity of each human life are due to the fact that it is unique and transitory. Once lived, it cannot be lived again. This is also true of each of life’s fleeting moments. Once they have passed, they never return.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Introduction] [Stages] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]