Course 4
Historical Notes
Outbreak of Syphilis
Reaction to Outbreak
Epidemiology 1
Epidemiology 2
First Cure
STD rates
Epidemiology 3
The AIDS Pandemic
The First Great Outbreak of Syphilis
概述-歷史記載   Introduction - Historical Notes

查利八世/Charles VIII (1470-1498)
法國國王/King of France


15世紀的那不勒斯。當時的油畫。  Naples in the 15th century. Contemporary painting.

The First Great Outbreak of Syphilis
Sexually transmitted diseases have been known since ancient times. However, it is not quite clear when and where which of these diseases first appeared.
For example, syphilis made a very dramatic appearance in Europe at the beginning of the modern age.
When the French king Charles VIII invaded Italy and conquered Naples in 1495, his mercenaries, through sexual contact with the local population, became infected and then, returning home, quickly spread the infection all over Europe. Moreover, at that time, the symptoms of the disease developed rather quickly and were very severe. People soon came to believe that the infection had been brought to the port cities of the Mediterranean by the companions of Columbus who had picked it up in the then recently discovered New World. However, in the meantime, one has found evidence of the prior existence of syphilis in medieval and even prehistoric Europe.

[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Terms] [General Description] [Historical Notes] [Curable STDs] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination]