Course 4
How to use it
Curable STDs
Incurable STDs
STD Prevention
Additional Reading
Additional Reading
參考讀物   Additional Reading
I. 我們的線上圖書館 (In Our Online Library)

The various books and papers in our online library provide additional information that may be useful to students of our curriculum. Since the texts were written by different authors at different times, they occasionally also differ in their terminology and, in some cases, even use obsolete or inappropriate terms and expressions. Nevertheless, they can still round out the basic content of this course.

為獲得參考讀物,我們推薦    For additional reading, we recommend

  1. Robert T. Francoeur, ed.
    國際性學百科全書     The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality
    點擊“科目”,然後閱讀從阿根廷到維也納52國或地區的排序中“10.性傳播疾病”和“11.HIV/AIDS”(Click on “Subjects” and then read “10. Sexually Transmitted Diseases” and“11. HIV/AIDS” in 63 countries from Argentina to Vietnam)

  2. 本網站圖書資料中的第二部百科全書的超連結
    some entries from a second encyclopedia in our online library:
    Haeberle, Bullough and Bullough, eds.
    人類性學:百科全書     Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia
    愛滋病與愛滋病病毒感染    AIDS and HIV Infection
    愛滋病、宗教和性取向     AIDS, Religion, and Sexual Orientation
    著.社會衛生運動     Morrow, Prince A., and TheSocial Hygiene Movement
    性傳播疾病     Sexually Transmitted Diseases

II. 友情鏈結 (External Links)


Some of our courses already contain external links that offer more detailed information on specific subjects. Here we add an extended list of such links. As will be seen, they do not present a unified picture. Many provide objective scientific information, but others are the work of advocacy groups reflecting their specific goals and concerns. Some are deliberately polemical, and quite a few disagree with each other. In short, our external links do not necessarily express the views of the author of this course, and listing them here does not imply an endorsement (see also our Disclaimer). Obviously, the content of these external sites is the work of their authors for which the Archive for Sexology accepts no responsibility. However, taken together, the sites can be useful in stimulating classroom discussion and in deepening the students’ understanding of the complexity of the issues involved. Taking note of them may be especially appropriate at the graduate level.


[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Curable STDs] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination]