Course 4
Historical Notes
Outbreak of Syphilis
Reaction to Outbreak
Epidemiology 1
Epidemiology 2
First Cure
STD rates
Epidemiology 3
The AIDS Pandemic
Reaction to the Outbreak
概述-歷史記載   Introduction - Historical Notes

Girolamo Fracastoro

在中世紀末和近代初年,梅毒從義大利和法國迅疾傳遍了歐洲各國。“梅毒”由義大利學者Girolamo Fracastoro (1530)按照一首拉丁詩的標題命名。這首冗長的神話詩提到了一個叫西菲勒斯(Syphilus)的牧羊人,他冒犯了太陽神而且受到了太陽神用這種疾病的懲罰。這位義大利學者也稱梅毒為“法國病”(拉丁語:morbus Gallicus,高盧人病)。在隨後的世紀裏,這個術語就被廣泛採用。當然,法國人就稱它為義大利病(荷蘭人稱它為西班牙病,俄國人稱之為波蘭病,土爾其人稱其為基督徒病,日本人則又稱梅毒為葡萄牙病)。無論如何,梅毒的可怕傳播不久便咒熄了中世紀的放蕩形骸。原來流行的公共澡堂紛紛被關閉,人們逐漸變成了循規蹈矩的正人君子。

Reaction to the Outbreak
At the end of the Middle Ages and beginning of the Modern Age, syphilis spread from Italy and France to every European country in a surprisingly speedy fashion.
"Syphilis" was originally the title of a Latin poem by the Italian scholar Girolamo Fracastoro (1530). This long mythological poem mentions a shepherd named Syphilus who offended the sun god and was punished by him with this disease. The author also calls it the “French disease” (morbus Gallicus), a term widely adopted in the following centuries. The French, of course, called it the Italian disease (the Dutch called it Spanish, the Russians Polish, the Turks called it Christian, and the Japanese called it the Portuguese disease).
In any case, the frightening spread of syphilis soon spelled the end of medieval sexual lassitude. The formerly popular public bath houses were closed, and people became increasingly prudish.

[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Terms] [General Description] [Historical Notes] [Curable STDs] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination]