Growing Up Sexually



Gond and Bhumia of Eastern Mandla (India)

More: Abor, Lingayats, Bengali, Punjabi; Rājpūts, Brahmans, Nagas, Chamars, Todas, Hill Saoras, Sinhalese, Purum, Veda, Santals, Garos, Muria Gonds, Baiga, Nimar Bahalis, Telugu, Lepcha, Lodha, Uttar Pradesh, Andamanese, Nicorbarese



Fuchs (1960)[1]stated that “a girl picks up knowledge of menstruation and sex life from older girls and women or from observing the menstruation of her own mother”. Menarche occurs at about age 14 (p243). Child marriage was gradually introduced in former days (p259). Betrothal may take place at age 12 (boys) and ten (girls); the children are not consulted unless they are both “of age” (p261, 262). “It is not necessary [however] that the bride be sexually mature at the time of her wedding. If she has not yet reached puberty, she usually returns to her parents after the celebration. But sometimes she begins to live with her husband soon after marriage, especially if the latter is no longer so young (p266). Thus, “[s]ome young girls have to live with their husband even before puberty, especially if the husband is a grown-up man and unwilling to wait any longer for the consummation of the marriage (p291).










Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Fuchs, S. (1960) The Gond and Bhumia of Eastern Mandla. London: Asia Publishing House