Summary 2


卖淫: 女性卖淫: 小结 2

由于世界大多数地区一直存在女性依附男性的现象,妇女运动长期以来一直强烈要求改革,并且至少在西方许多国家已经取得了一定程度的进步。与此同时,越来越清晰的是,尽管这样的改革得到了人们的拥护,但是改革仍不足以动摇显然存在于女性卖淫中的性别不平衡的基础。不过,一个真正的“性别革命(gender revolution)”在世界各地破茧而出,并且持续的改革因而是唯一现实的选择


[1]. 中国大陆的潘绥铭教授对中国大陆的女性卖淫做过系统的研究(上世纪90年代中期),潘绥铭教授的博士生方刚,继而对中国(深圳)男性卖淫也进行过较为系统的调查。——译者注。

Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Female Prostitution: Summary 2

In view of the continuing female dependency on males in most regions of the world, the women’s movement has long demanded reforms, and some progress has been made, at least in many Western countries. At the same time, it has become clear that such reforms, while welcome, are not sufficient to change the fundamental gender imbalance still evident in the practice of female prostitution. However, a true “gender revolution” is nowhere on the horizon, and continued reform is therefore the only realistic option.
We have seen that women activists do not always agree on specific reforms: The incompatible prostitution policies of
Sweden and the Netherlands, for example, find feminists on both sides of the issues. How these issues will eventually be decided only experience can show. The same may be said about the future development of internet prostitution. Some observers see here a potential role reversal with fully autonomous females exploiting the weakness of males. Others see at least a new equality of power in the arrangement. For still others, the change is superficial and insignificant. From the point of sex research, the issue remains unresolved. This type of prostitution has not yet been sufficiently studied for a valid assessment.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]