

3. 同性性交: 同性口交
男性同性口交: 阴茎口交




[1]. 酷儿,queer的音译。Queer原本是异性恋者或在性方面持正统观者对性少数的称谓,原本含有贬义。后来被性少数者“顺手牵羊”,拿来标称自己所属的群体,以示区别。——译者注。

Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior

3. Homosexual Intercourse: Oral Intercourse

Males: Fellatio

The term "fellatio" (lat. fellare: to suck) is used to describe the licking or sucking of the male sex organs. Obviously, when two males have sexual intercourse, they may very well take turns fellating each other. Naturally, two men can also engage in simultaneous mutual oral intercourse (see "69" below).
In the past, some people tried to distinguish between "active" and "passive" partners in fellatio, thereby turning the meaning of these words on their head. According to this curious distinction, the male fellator, in spite of his busy movements, played a “passive”, female role, while the male who was being fellated, in spite of his studied inactivity and immobility, remained true to his role as an “active” male. This line of reasoning then led to the bizarre claim that only the busily moving “passive” partner was a homosexual, while the immobile “active” partner somehow preserved his heterosexuality. (In another version of the same argument, a receptor [i.e., in this case the man receiving the penis in his mouth] is, by definition, always playing a female role, while the role of an inserter [i.e., the man inserting his penis] is always male. Without any further explanation, the "female role" is then again defined as homosexual, the "male role" as heterosexual.)
Not surprisingly, many guilt-ridden ambisexual men and male prostitutes used this kind of contorted logic to rationalize their own homosexual activity. They insisted on their immobile, inactive "active" role, avoided any movement of their own, and tried to appear as cold and aloof as possible. They then claimed that they were not really doing anything "queer". Actually, activity and passivity have nothing to do with either biological sex, or gender, or sexual orientation. Anybody who can be brought to orgasm by a man is sexually fully responsive to him, and no amount of sophistry can explain this fact away.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]