Lymphogranuloma I

能治愈性传播疾病-传染   Curable STDs-Infections

性病性淋巴结肉芽肿 I  (简称LGV,也称腹股沟淋巴结肉芽肿) 

The bacteria causing Lymphogranuleum venereum
(lat. chlamydia trachomatis)

性病性淋巴结肉芽肿(Lymphogranuloma venereum ,LGV) 是一种通过性接触传播的细菌性传染病。疾病导致淋巴结发炎,最常见于腹股沟(腹股沟淋巴结)并损伤其周围组织。该病在中南美洲、西亚和东亚以及东南亚常见。尽管在一些国家的港口城市有所发现,但是在其他地方罕见。(中国大陆近年未见病例,但旅游人员来往频繁,需保持警惕——译者注。)



Lymphogranuleum venereum (LGV) (also called: Lymphogranuleum inguinale)

1. What is it?
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a bacterial infection transmitted by sexual contact. The disease produces an inflammation of the lymph nodes, most often in the groin (inguinal lymph nodes) and the destruction of the surrounding tissue. LGV is common in Central and South America, West and East Africa, and South East Asia. It is rare elsewhere, although it is sometimes found in the port cities of some countries.

2. What causes it?
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is caused by 3 subtypes of  the organism chlamydia trachomatis. (They are different from the subtype that causes the more common chlamydia.)

3. How is it transmitted?
LGV is transmitted through vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. It is very contagious.


[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Curable STDs] [Infections] [Infestations] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination]