Methods of Overcoming Infertility



既然女性不孕的可能病因种类繁多和千差万别,有时治疗起来就困难重重,可能涉及到从激素替代疗法到外科手术等各种差异极大的医疗措施。不管怎样,由于非凡的医学进步,越来越多过去毫无指望的不孕/不育病症在最近几十来年里已经得到克服。这些医疗手段的集合术语为人们所熟悉:人工授精artificial insemination)和辅助生殖技术assisted reproductive technology


Methods of Overcoming Infertility

Since the possible causes of female infertility are so varied and numerous, treatment may sometimes be difficult, and it may involve a great number of different measures from hormone replacement to surgery. In any case, in recent decades an increasing number of formerly hopeless fertility problems have been overcome thanks to remarkable medical advances. They are known under the collective terms "artificial insemination" and "assisted reproductive technology".

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