Artificial Insemination (AI)



人工授精 (AI)
通过手淫获得的精子通常来自于女子的丈夫或固定的性伴 (
同族授精,homologue insemination)。但是,如果证明丈夫或女子固定的性伴不育,在使用匿名捐精者的精子(异族授精或供精者授精“heterologue insemination”donor insemination”)。捐精者由内科医生挑选,并且只有医生知道其身份。在选择捐精者的过程中,医生通常设法挑选身体特征与女子丈夫或固定性伴相似的那些人,并且他们的病史表明他们体格健康(通常指无遗传性疾病和精神病——译者注)。可是,也有一些单身女子或维持女性性关系的女子,她们也想成为母亲,因而想利用人工授精技术。这些女子常常特别在乎匿名捐精者的体格品质。
子宫内授精”(intrauterine insemination ,IUI),能让精子绕过了子宫颈黏液栓,甚至由此而克服了精子数量过少和/或精子运动不足的缺陷,使得精子有机会实现受精。


Methods of Overcoming Infertility

Artificial Insemination (AI)
"Artificial insemination" is a general term. It refers to the medical procedure of injecting sperm into the female reproductive system during a woman's fertile days. Depending on the case, this could be close to the cervix, in the cervix, in the uterus, or in the Fallopian tubes.
The semen, which is obtained by masturbation, is usually that of the woman's husband or steady partner (homologue insemination). However, if he should prove to be sterile the semen of an anonymous donor can be used ("heterologue insemination" or "donor insemination"). Such a sperm donor is selected by the physician and known only to him. In selecting the donor, the physician normally tries to find a man whose physical characteristics resemble those of the husband or partner, and whose medical history indicates good general health. However, there are also single women or women with female partners who want to become mothers and therefore take advantage of artificial insemination. They often specify the desired physical qualities of the anonymous donor.
The most common procedure consists of injecting the sperm into the uterus. It is quick and uncomplicated. The doctor inserts a fine tube through the cervix into the uterus and there deposits the sperm. This "intrauterine insemination" (IUI) allows the sperm to bypass the barrier of cervical mucus, and thus even an ejaculate with a low sperm count and/or insufficient sperm motility has a chance to effect fertilization.

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