Homosexual Prostitution


賣淫: 男性賣淫: 同性賣淫

儘管妓男的類型劃分有時候相互重疊,恰好與他們的女同行一樣,仍可將他們劃分成數類-從街頭妓男、酒吧妓男(hustler,皮條客)到應召男孩(call boy以及高級陪同。人口販賣、皮條客和妓男院(male brothel)始終是生意清淡。大多數妓男獨自經營,不過在一些國家,也存在戈戈舞男(go-go boy餐台舞男(table dancer酒吧工作者,他們與酒吧老闆分享收入,並且特別有吸引力的男人會通過代理人招攬生意。


Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Male Prostitution: Homosexual Prostitution

Just as their female colleagues, male prostitutes can be divided into several categories - from street and bar prostitutes (“hustlers”) to “call boys” and high-class “escorts”, although the boundaries are sometimes fluid. Trafficking, pimps and male brothels have always been rare in this business. Most male prostitutes work independently, but in some countries there are also “go-go boys”, “table dancers”, or “bar workers” who share their income with the bar owners, and some especially attractive men work with agencies.
For male prostitutes, youth and good looks are more important than anything else, and thus their “careers” are usually also much shorter than that of female prostitutes. In most cases, the young males never intend to engage in “sex work” for a longer period of time, but do so only for limited periods or or in specific situations. For this reason, they also find it easier to leave the whole “scene” behind and return to a “regular” life. This may be true, for example, for adolescents who need “pocket money”, or for students who earn their living or their tuition with prostitution. On the other hand, young runaways and jobless or homeless young men often find themselves trapped in the world of commercial sex, until after a few years, they are no longer in demand. Very few male prostitutes are older than 30; most of them are between 18 and 25.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]