4. Sexual Contact with Animals


4. 與動物的性接觸



Religious aspects
Top: The Greek supreme god Zeus assumed the form of a swan in order to seduce Leda, the queen of Sparta.
(After an ancient Greek sculpture)
Bottom: The sculptures of some ancient Hindu temples displayed all forms of sexual activity.
(Shown here is an example from the Lakshmana Temple, Khajuraho, Central India)


在古代大多數傳說裏,動物是人受難意外死亡後的超生物,而且古希臘與古羅馬的作家也講述過一些故事,其中的動物會採取主動與人交往。例如,在伊良[Aelian,本名:克勞迪亞斯·伊利厄訥斯(Claudius Aelianus,西元2世紀)撰寫的著名小說中,海豚有一天與一名男孩墜入情網,向這名男孩求愛並使成了自己的伴侶。當這名男孩意外死亡時,心碎的海豚喪失了繼續活下去的意願。希臘人也信奉宙斯Zeus)為心目中的最崇高的神,為了贏得其他難以接近的女子的性寵愛,有時裝扮成動物的形象。這樣一來,他扮成一頭公牛接近了歐羅巴Europa),裝成一隻天鵝靠近了勒達Leda)。希臘神話進一步給我們講述道,克利特Crete)的王后帕西法爾Pasiphaë)與一頭公牛性交,然後生下了人身牛頭的彌諾陶洛斯Minotaur)。在亞洲、非洲和美洲各國,文字出現之前,也有相似的傳說。例如,一些愛斯基摩部落認為白種人是女人與狗性交的後代。

Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior
4. Sexual Contact with Animals
The myths and folk tales of many cultures contain references to sexual intercourse between human beings and other species of animals, such as bears, wolves, horses, snakes, and crocodiles. The attitudes toward this behavior were not always negative. For example, religions that believed in the “transmigration of souls”, i.e. in the idea that a person can be reborn in another life as an animal, had a quite different attitude than those that saw man as exceptional and without any spiritual connection to the animal world.
In most ancient tales, the animals are objects of sudden human passions, but ancient Greek and Roman writers also tell of some cases in which an animal takes the initiative. For example, in a famous story by Aelian (Claudius Aelianus, 2nd century A.D.), a dolphin falls in love with a boy, courts him and makes him his companion. When the boy dies in an accident, the broken-hearted dolphin loses his will to live. The Greeks also believed that Zeus, their highest god, occasionally assumed the form of an animal in order to win the sexual favors of an otherwise inaccessible human female. Thus, he approached Europa as a bull and Leda as a swan. Greek mythology further tells us that Pasiphaë, the queen of Crete, had intercourse with a bull and then gave birth to the Minotaur, a human monster with a bull's head. Similar tales were told by various preliterate peoples in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. For instance, a certain Eskimo tribe believed that the “white” human race resulted from sexual intercourse between a woman and a dog.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]