2. Heterosexual Intercourse


2. 異性性交



Early depiction of
sexual intercourse
Rock carving, ca. 1500 BC
Guangxi province, China
Courtesy China Sex Museum, Tongli

按照字典的釋義,詞條交往intercourse自拉丁語intercurrere……之間往復)可以是指人與人之間的任何交互作用或溝通。因而,我們通常可以說社會交往(social intercourse),或更明確地說在相互使眼色的人之間的視覺交流(visual intercourse),或說在相互交談的人之間的口頭交流(oral intercourse)和在握手的人之間的手接觸交往(manual intercourse)。不過,許多教科書會以非常狹義的概念來使用這個術語,它們只意謂一種特殊類型的溝通:性交sexual intercourse,即性交合coitus



[1]. 即:人與人之間的觸摸、撫摸;滿懷愛意地擁抱、接吻的行為或體驗……等。——譯者注。

[2]. 請讀者注意這裏的表達,其它的性交形式:暗含著非性交合的性接觸也是性交。——譯者注。

Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior
2. Heterosexual Intercourse
According to the dictionary, the word intercourse (lat. intercurrere: to run between) can refer to any interchange or communication between persons. Thus, one may speak of social intercourse in general or, more specifically, of visual intercourse between people who wink at each other, of oral intercourse between people who talk to each other, and of manual intercourse between people who shake hands. However, many textbooks use the term in a much narrower sense. When they mention intercourse, they mean only one particular kind of communication: Sexual intercourse. Indeed, they often mean only one particular kind of sexual intercourse: Vaginal intercourse, i.e. coitus.
Unfortunately, this narrow usage has now been widely accepted by the general public. For example, popular writings often distinguish between "intercourse" (coitus) and "petting" (all other forms of sexual intimacy). They also declare that the dramatic event of "intercourse" itself should be preceded by "foreplay" and followed by "afterplay". In short, they imply that the only sexual contact that really counts is that between penis and vagina.
This is a very shortsighted view. After all, as we have seen in Course 1, the human sexual response involves the whole body, and orgasm can be reached in many different ways.
Coitus may very well be the most common form of sexual contact, but it is by no means the only one. Indeed, for many men and women it is not even the one they like best. Furthermore, there are countless individuals who are physically unable to engage in coitus because of certain handicaps, injuries, or diseases. Nevertheless, many of them can and do practice other forms of sexual intercourse and thus have satisfying sexual relationships.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]