Course 2
Historical Notes
Limiting Populations
Limiting Families
The Condom
Margaret Sanger
Intra-Uterine Devices
Margaret Sanger


歷史記載: 瑪格麗特·桑格計劃生育的先驅

Margaret Sanger

作為紐約貧民區的一名護士,瑪格麗特·桑格目睹了許許多多婦女的生育悲劇。不久,她意識到她能夠通過給婦女傳授有關怎樣避孕的知識來為她們提供最好的服務。因此,她著手撰寫和出版有關避孕知識的宣傳冊,這些知識在那時還是非常敏感的話題。在寫作過程中,她創用了術語計劃生育birth control,翻譯成控制生育更確切——譯者注)。
1927年,桑格成立了美國計劃生育聯盟American League for Birth Control),1942年經過數次機構合併和更名,美國計劃生育聯合會Planned Parenthood Federation)宣告成立。1953年瑪格麗特·桑格成為國際計劃生育聯合會”(International Planned Parenthood Federation的第一任主席,並且在她的晚年,她主要投身於非洲的計劃生育事業。

A Complex Issue

Historical Notes: Margaret Sanger - A Pioneer of Planned Parenthood
As a nurse in the poorer sections of New York, Margaret Sanger saw much sexual misery. She soon realized that she could help poor women best by giving them information about how to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, she began writing and publishing about this then very touchy subject. In the process, she coined the term "birth control".
In 1916  Sanger and her sister opened a birth control clinic in Brooklyn, the first of its kind in the US. This clinic was immediately closed as a "public nuisance", and the Sanger sisters were sentenced to 30 days in the workhouse.  Many subsequent accusations, prosecutions and police actions against Sanger eventually led to increasing public support for her work and to a 1936 court decision allowing doctors to prescribe contraceptives. However, many states still retained laws against their sale, and it was not until after two US Supreme Court decisions in 1965 and 1970 that the last restrictions were removed.
In 1927 Sanger organized the "American League for Birth Control" and in 1942, after several organizational mergers and name changes, a "Planned Parenthood Federation" came into existence. In 1953 Margaret Sanger became the first president of the "International Planned Parenthood Federation", and she devoted her remaining years mainly to problems of birth control in Asia.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [A Complex Issue] [Methods of Contracep.] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]