Course 2
Historical Notes
Limiting Populations
Limiting Families
The Condom
Margaret Sanger
Intra-Uterine Devices
Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs)


歷史記載: 宮內避孕器(另參見:女性避孕方法:宮內避孕器

Ernst Gräfenberg

古埃及駱駝夫們就已經知曉放進駱駝子宮內的小鵝卵石會防止駱駝懷孕。對於每次數周和數月橫穿沙漠的旅行來說這是重要的知識。然而,直到20世紀早期,對避孕有興趣的婦產科醫生才開始在婦女的子宮內放置新裝置進行試驗,以防止非意願懷孕。第一個宮內避孕裝置(IUDs)是格拉芬伯環Gräfenberg ring),用盤繞的銀絲所製成,用其發明者E.格拉芬伯的名字來命名。與其他的宮內避孕裝置比較,格拉芬伯環顯然更安全和不會引起盆腔發炎。可是,格拉芬伯環卻遭到了來自于內科醫生方面的抵制,所以限制了它的廣泛運用。最後,於1960年代,格拉芬伯環被我們今天比較熟悉的其他宮內避孕裝置所替代。             後來,當格拉芬伯被納粹党人迫害的時候,瑪格麗特·桑格幫助他逃到了美國。在美國他同樣以發現格拉芬伯點(G-點)而知名。

From the left: Top: Device for inserting the Gräfenberg-ring, three samples of the ring, X-ray showing position of inserted ring


A Complex Issue 

Historical Notes: Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs)
Ancient Egyptian camel drivers already knew that a pebble inserted in the uterus of a camel prevented it from becoming pregnant. This was important knowledge for caravans travelling through the desert, often for weeks and months at a time. In the early 20th century, however, gynecologists interested in contraception began to experiment with new devices which, inserted into a woman's uterus, would prevent unwanted human pregnancies. One of the first of these intra-uterine devices (IUDs) was the "Gräfenberg ring", made of coiled silver wire and named after its inventor, the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg. In contrast to other models, the Gräfenberg ring was remarkably safe and did not lead to pelvic inflammation. However, it met with great resistance on the part of many physicians and this restricted its general acceptance. Finally, in the 1960's, it was replaced by the other IUDs more familiar today.
When Gräfenberg was later persecuted by the Nazi régime, Margaret Sanger helped him to escape to the US where he had a successful private practice and eventually also became known as the discoverer of the Gräfenberg spot (G-spot).

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [A Complex Issue] [Methods of Contracep.] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]