Course 2
Labor and Delivery
1st Stage of Labor
2nd Stage of Labor
Illustration 1
Illustration 2
Illustration 3
3rd Stage of Labor
Six Stages of Delivery
分娩  Birth

分娩與助產  Labor and Delivery

插圖1:分娩的六個步驟  Illustration 1Six Stages of Delivery


1. 胎兒臨盆
1.Fetus ready to be born

2. 子宮頸擴張
2. Cervix dilating

3. 完全擴張的子宮頸
3.Cervix completely delated


4. 頭先露
4. Head appearing

5. 娩出雙肩
5.Shoulders appearing

6. 正從子宮剝離的胎盤
6.Placenta separating from uterus

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Historical Notes] [Modern Childbirth] [Labor and Delivery] [After Delivery] [Lactation] [Sexual Intercourse] [Infertility] [Contraception] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]