On Call


卖淫: 男性卖淫: 异性卖淫





Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Male Prostitution: Heterosexual Prostitution

On Call

For call boys and escorts the work for female customers is quite similar to that of their “gay” counterparts. The women call them directly or through an agency, and a meeting is arranged. However, there is one difference: Women usually want more than simple physical attractiveness. They expect the men they pay to have a certain style, to be sensitive to their moods and able to conduct a meaningful conversation. In short, the requirements for a heterosexual male prostitute are comparatively high, and so are their fees.
In Japan, certain expensive male escort clubs and bars cater exclusively to rich female customers. The young, attractive men (hosts) receive a percentage of the vastly overpriced drinks and therefore encourage the women to run up large bills. Officially, sexual services are not being offered, but everyone knows of exceptions, especially in the less elegant establishments.

Web site of an escort service for women
Some agencies offer escorts simply as social companions, but others also appeal to the sexual interests of their female customers. Their escorts provide sexual services as well. Shown here is a simplified composite of several web sites. (In order to avoid easy identification, the name and the design have been changed. However, the text is authentic.)

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]