Gender Role Behavior


性行为的发展阶段: 青春期的发展



可是,我们应该谨记,绝不是所有的青少年都能够或都想要服从这些期待[1],总会有相当多的青少年不能或不愿意迎合这种规范。一些青少年在一定程度上或干脆就拒绝给他们规定的性别角色脚本。在压抑和褊狭的文化体系里,这可能会导致徒劳的对抗和其它社会心理问题。例如,尽管实际上未必就是事实,那些假小子娘娘气(即娘娘腔)小子会面临同性恋倾向的指控和猜疑。毕竟,作为人类性的基本层面,性别角色和性取向是彼此分离的。然而,即使这种猜疑符合事实,也不能证明就是正当的,这是一种歧视和排斥行为。所以,在对待所有的性别角色抵触(gender role difficulty)案例时,父母、年长的亲属和老师既需要耐心也需要给予理解和宽容。最后,这些抵触性别角色的青少年必须学会悦纳自我,并且社会文化环境也必须容忍他们。

[1]. 即成人社会对于男性和女性性别角色的规定。——译者注。

Development of Sexual Behavior

Stages of Development: Adolescence

Gender Role Behavior

During puberty, girls and boys develop their secondary sexual characteristics. As their physical differences are becoming more pronounced, their psychosocial differences are also increasingly accentuated. Girls learn from adults, and especially from their peer groups, how to cultivate an alluring femininity while boys learn to adopt a “strong” masculinity that will gain them the approval of their families and friends. The scripts for appropriate gender role behavior may vary in details from one society to another, but they all expect females and males to differ in their behavior. Females begin to dress much differently, to use different fashion accessories and different hairstyles, to apply make-up etc. while males usually prefer a more “rugged” appearance, try to excel in contact sports, or otherwise “prove their manliness” in some physical way.
One should keep in mind, however, that by no means all adolescents can or want to live up to these expectations. There are always quite a few who cannot or will not fit the norm.
Some adolescents partially or totally reject the gender role scripts they are being offered. In repressive, intolerant cultures, this can lead to fruitless confrontations and other problems. For example, “tomboys” and “sissies” may be accused or suspected of “homosexual tendencies”, although, in reality, this may not be true. After all, as basic aspects of human sexuality, gender role and sexual orientation are independent of each other. However, even if the suspicions are true, they cannot justify discrimination and ostracism. In all cases of gender role difficulties, therefore, parents, older relatives, and teachers need to be both patient and supportive. In the end, the adolescents have to learn to accept themselves as they “really” are, and this acceptance has to be shared by their social environment.



[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Introduction] [Stages] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]