

卖淫: 女性卖淫: 卖淫处所



在妓院的工作条件差异悬殊,从实质上的奴隶身份到拿着足够收入的正式聘用。在一些案例里,妓院只不过是常规的公寓,在那里数名女人一起工作和接待主顾。一些大型妓院(在德国称为性爱中心Eros Center)仅仅把房产租给自己经营的妓女。妓院的这种布局大都在大城市或靠近大城市。无论如何,因为租金非常之高,妓院的拥有者总是获利最多。另一方面,在遇到有虐待行为的主顾时,大型妓院里的女人有得到保护的优势。

近年来,已经发展起来一些新型妓院:大型、奢侈和带有影屏、游泳池和同时为数百名主顾提供服务的桑拿浴设施的“豪华俱乐部。 通常,常规的门票费含有免费进餐和软饮料。去那里消费的男人可能只不过是去放松而已,但是也会碰到赤身裸体的女人,在与她们预先做一番某种私密的性服务讨价还价之后,然后进入一个分隔的空间。这种女人是自己开业者,而且直接收取报酬。像这种大型卖淫处所,人们称其为大妓院(mega brothel



Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Female Prostitution: Establishments


A brothel or bordello is an indoor establishment run for the purpose of prostitution. It may be housed in an apartment, in a group of trailers, or in a whole small or large building. In some countries, brothels are legal and openly advertised, in others they are illegal and therefore run unobtrusively in “secret” locations (usually well known to the police). In some large cities, brothels may be confined to so-called “red-light districts“.
The working conditions in a brothel can range from virtual slavery to regular employment with adequate income. In some cases, the brothel is nothing more than regular apartment where several women work together and receive their customers. Some large brothels (called “
Eros Centers” in Germany) merely rent their premises to self-employed prostitutes. This arrangement is mostly found in or near large cities. In any case, the owners always profit most, because the rent is quite high. On the other hand, the women have the advantage of enjoying some protection from abusive customers.
In recent years, some new types of brothels have developed:  Large, luxurious “wellness” clubs with movie screens, swimming pools and saunas accommodating several hundred customers at the same time. A general entry fee includes free food and non-alcoholic beverages. The men can simply relax, but also meet nude women on the premises with whom they can negotiate some private sexual service and then retire to a separate room. The women are independent operators and are paid directly. Large establishments like this have been called “
mega brothels”.
Another, rather unique brothel in a large European city offers its customers the free services of its women if they agree to be filmed during their sexual activity. The films are made accessible to paying
internet viewers and are also sold as videos or DVDs. The profits support the whole enterprise.

Web site of a “mega brothel”
In many European countries, brothels openly advertise in the internet. The example shown here is an excerpt from the large home page of a very large brothel. (In order to avoid easy identification, the name and the design have been changed. However, the text is authentic.)

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]