Historical Background 3


歷史背景 3: 性學應運而生


Iwan Bloch1872-1922


Iwan Bloch
(1872-1922) a German dermatologist, developed the concept of sexology as a science in its own right. In 1913, he founded the first sexological society in Berlin together with
Magnus Hirschfeld and several other colleagues.

19世紀,當精神病學家著手研究人類的性行為的時候,他們開始假定大多數人的性行為是正常的,而且假定少數人的性倒錯(perversion)”或多或少與長期以來由教堂所譴責的罪過和墮落是可互換的。可是,當深入研究就毫無疑問地顯示人的性興趣種類繁雜,於是,醫生們就連忙對每一項新的發現進行命名、歸檔和分類。新個案研究素材不斷地積累下來,在性病理學(sexual pathology)”的病名中排列了冗長的一串列表,這些病名是一些帶著發音奇特的希臘語或拉丁語名稱——性虐狂(algolagnia)嗜獸癖(zoophilia,動物之性欲性戀)”,不一而足。但是,顯而易見,這個全然無止境的病名列表簡直就是完全不同的大雜燴,而且對任何一種所謂的病案沒有什麼規範的治療措施。與一般的疾病不同的是,依據個案不同,對同樣的診斷不得不使用不同的治療措施。最糟糕的是,大多數時候,這些治療措施證明都歸於失敗。



[1]. 通常在字典均譯為性學,這和-logy——後綴通常譯為“學相一致,也符合布洛赫把性學看成綜合的自然科學與社會科學兼而有之的特點。有譯為“性科學的,這種譯法實際上只是想強調性學的生物醫學方面,並不符合性學一詞的本意。事實上-logy譯為“學也就是“科學之意,生理學也有生理科學之意,這樣,這個字就變成一個類詞,也就是說:“生理科學”包括生理學、生物化學、藥理學、毒理學、病理生理學等學科,是一個總稱。“性科學並不是一個類詞,所以用它來譯sexology,不如譯成“性學”簡潔而準確。相應地,sexologist可以譯為“性學家”,也不必譯為“性科學家”。——校者注。

[2]. 愛文·布洛赫.消逝的賣淫.1. 柏林:路易斯·馬庫斯出版社,1912:7-8 (Iwan Bloch, Die Prostitution, vol. I,Berlin: Louis Marcus 1912, pp. vii-viii.


Variations in Sexual Behavior
Historical Background 3: Sexology

When, in the 19th century, psychiatrists began to study human sexuality, they started with the assumption that most of it was “normal”, and that the few “perversions” were more or less identical with the sins and vices long deplored by the Church. However, when a closer look revealed an unsuspected variety of sexual interests, the doctors promptly proceeded to name, list and classify every new discovery. A steady stream of new case studies produced an ever-lengthening list of “sexual pathologies” with new strange-sounding Greek or Latin names - from “algolagnia” (erotic love of pain) to “zoophilia” (erotic love of animals). At the same time, it became clear that this sheer endless diagnostic list represented a hodge-podge of very disparate elements, and that there was no standard treatment for any of them. Instead, depending on the individual case, one had to apply different therapies for the same diagnosis. Worst of all, most of the time, they proved unsuccessful.
In this situation, a new approach was needed, and it was provided by a new, special “science of sex” that combined the methods of both the natural and social sciences: Sexology. As its founder
Iwan Bloch put it:

“The double nature of ...sex…, its biological and cultural aspect, (makes it) necessary to found sexology as a science in its own right, which must no longer be seen as an appendix of any other science… Where this would lead us has been shown by the purely medical-clinical approach of (those who) believed they had enriched science when they had only coined new foreign-sounding terms…The purely medical (let alone psychiatric) view of sexuality...  is not sufficient to understand the many-sided relationships of sex to all other spheres of human life. These relationships in their totality are the subject of sexology”. 1


1.  Iwan Bloch, Die Prostitution, vol. I, Berlin: Louis Marcus 1912, pp. vii-viii.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [History] [Two Examples] [Sexual Minorities: Intro] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]