Course 2
Historical Notes
Beginning of Life?
No definite answer
Egg and Sperm
Multiple Pregnancies


懷孕僅在女性體內發生。由此,女性身體內部是精子與卵子不得不相遇的地方。精卵相遇通常是性交 合的結果。性交合 (coitus,自拉丁語,照字面的意思——走到一起)定義為性交往的一種方式,既男性的陰莖被插入陰道。性交 合的另一個指稱為交配(copulation)或陰道交接。
在性交 合過程中,男女性器官的密切接觸能夠給雙方帶來愉悅。當雙方身體運動以增加相互的刺激時,這種愉悅會累積起來。最終,愉悅和興奮達到顛峰。這種使身體放鬆和達到極妙滿足的顛峰就叫性高潮,而且就男性來說,它就意味著從他的性器官向女性性器官的驟然射精。所射出的精液內含有精子。顯然,男性的性器官在人類生殖中是非常重要的。只有在性高潮期,男性才能夠經歷其性器官內部的肌肉收縮,而肌肉收縮是射精所必須的。沒有射精,精子仍存留在男性的體內。可是,也有規律之外的某些情形發生。在性高潮之前,男性要想射精是不可能的,甚至於有了性高潮,射精最終也未必發生。
當然,女性沒有性高潮卻能夠懷孕。在此也應該指出,現代醫學技術通過人工授精已經把精子和卵子放在了一起,既沒有性交 合也做到了這一點。


A conception can occur only inside a woman's body. Here then is the place where sperm and egg have to meet. Their meeting is usually brought about as a result of coitus. This Latin term (literally, going together) refers to the kind of sexual intercourse in which the penis is inserted into the vagina. Other words for coitus are copulation or vaginal intercourse.
The intimate contact of the male and female sex organs during coitus can give both partners great pleasure. The pleasure mounts as their bodies move to increase the mutual stimulation. Eventually, pleasure and excitement reach a climax. This climax, which provides relief and deep satisfaction, is called orgasm, and for the man it means the sudden release of his semen from his sex organs into those of the woman. This semen contains the sperm cells. Obviously, the man's orgasm is very important for human reproduction. Only during orgasm can he experience the muscular contractions inside his sex organs that are needed to discharge the semen. This sudden discharge is called ejaculation. Without ejaculation the sperm cells remain inside the man's body. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. It is not impossible for a man to release some sperm in advance of his orgasm and even if the orgasm should eventually fail to occur.
A woman can, of course, very well become pregnant without having an orgasm. It should also be mentioned that modern medical techniques have made it possible to bring sperm and egg together by artificial insemination, i.e., without coitus.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Historical Notes] [Beginning of Life?] [No definite answer] [Egg and Sperm] [Coitus] [Fertilization] [Segmentation] [Implantation] [Multiple Pregnancies] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]